Bi-Yearly Oracular Forecast

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2017


Theoxenion (IV) – Mar. 29-Apr. 26, 2017

(E) Epsilon, (Γ) Gamma, (Z) Zeta

In the month of Theoxenion, seeds which were sown in months past will come to bear fruit, and partnerships will coalesce into a cohesive and formidable whole.  Spiritually, this could mean joining with a new Deity, or delving into a previously unexplored relationship or mode of worship, or deepening a relationship with a Deity you already know, love or serve.  This new found cohesion will also come just in time for a great hardship, or test, which will shake loose the foundations of which we have become accustomed.  Don’t fight against it.  Do not be ridgid, or you will crumble into dust, like a pillar that believes it is strong, but in truth, is only as strong as the ground beneath it.


Pytheion (V) – Apr. 27-May 25, 2017

(Z) Zeta, (Ψ) Psi, (Ξ) Xi

In the month of Pytheion, the trial continues.  But here is where we make our stand, cutting from our lives all that will no longer serve a purpose, all that hinders our growth, all that is no longer the truth of our hearts, all that no longer resonates with our lives and goals as we have determined them, and all for which progress is stagnant.  Letting go will not be easy.  We will want to hold onto the familiar, but the outcome can only be delayed, not changed. These things are leaving.  This is fact.  The forces that shall bring about the change are already in motion.


Batrachion (VI) – May 26-Jun. 24, 2017

(I) Iota, (O) Omicron, (Π) Pi

In the month of Batrachion, our rewards will be directly proportional to our efforts.  While this is true at all other times, it is especially relevant to remember during this month.  Only that which you have cultivated will mature, physically and spiritually.  If you set a goal, work toward it a little at a time, be gradual with your efforts and this will help you to stay the course.  In Divine relationships, kharis is a reciprocal obligation.  You can not receive if you have not contributed.  For your efforts, you will receive the prize of personal satisfaction, in addition to what rewards the Gods see fit to bestow. Never cease your striving, and you will never know a time without gain.


Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 25-Jul. 23, 2017

(Ω) Omega, (E) Epsilon, (Γ) Gamma

The month of Pyrophorion will bring discord to all manner of relationships, particularly, human relationships.  When cultivating good will with our loved ones, we should try not to grasp at unripened fruits.  Do not prod at a sensitive area or wound, lest your hand be bitten.  Do not demand action or answers before it/they are ready to be given.  However, for all our trying, sometimes the circumstances will not allow us the proper time to wait.  In these instances, know that there will be a price to pay for moving things along before their natural time, whether the movement itself was intended. The situation should even out as the month draws to a close, and you are made aware of a previously unseen bounty.


Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 24-Aug. 21, 2017

(I) Iota, (K) Kappa, (Z) Zeta

The month of Karneion has the potential to bring crisis into our lives.  The only way to see ourselves, and our families, through is to continue trudging forward.  The path will be laden with obstacles, but we must remain surefooted.  Keep working, and work hard.  Keep building, and build high.  For every tower that falls, a new one must be erected in its place.  You are the weathered river stone, smooth to the currents of hardship.  Don’t fight the river, though the river may insist on fighting you.


Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 22-Sep. 20, 2017

(X) Khi, (A) Alpha, Π) Pi

The month of Agetoreios brings with it a turn in fortune.  After several months of inexplicable hardship, at last, we begin to see the true rewards of our labors.  We will see our goals clearly, and obstacles that hindered us before will be swept aside, either by our hands or by Another.  These goals are mainly physical in nature, and they will be attained through the maintenance of kharis with our Gods, especially Apollon.  Although, in a spiritual sense, kharis itself may be the attainable goal.  Respect the Gods, respect yourself, and respect the path, even the troubles which came before, because they have tempered you into a fine metal, and soon, a golden mantle will be placed upon your shoulders.  Rejoice, yet understand that with it comes deeper responsibility.


Aegletion (XI) – Sep. 21-Oct. 19, 2017

(Γ) Gamma, (N) Nu, (M) Mu

In the month of Aegletion, an unexpected gift will yield both favorable and unfavorable surprises.  Like a double-edged blade or a tool with two purposes, it cuts the stalks for harvest, but also cuts the enemy in battle. And now is the time to fight, for yourself, for your desires, and for the Gods. They have set this path upon you, and you upon this path, for only you will bring it, and Their Will, to its completion.  You will have all that you need to fulfill this oracle when the time comes, for the Earth is rich and provides much, so never shirk your destiny.

[Ktistêsia, 2017]