Bi-Yearly Oracular Forecast

Telchinion through Daphneion 2017/2018


Telchinion (XII) Oct. 20 – Nov. 18, 2017

(T) Tau, (Δ) Delta, (I) Iota

During the month of Telchinion, there is the warning of separation for one’s own betterment.  If you now socialize with, or otherwise associate with individuals who do not share your own ethic of hard work and accountability, then you are better off without them.  The Gods and circumstances will conspire to fulfill this promise, if you are unwilling to do it yourself.  Things that may hold you back from taking this action may be tradition or customs, cherished and long-standing in your circle, but you must go your own way.  Tradition is useless if you stagnate upon it’s corpse.  What comes next will be determined by your tenacity.


Hyperboraios (XIII) Nov. 19 – Dec. 18, 2017

(N) Nu, (Θ) Theta, (Π) Pi

The month of Hyperboraios portends a great blessing to be bestowed by the Gods.  It will make your life more difficult.  This is not an easy blessing to bear, but the Divine Ones walk beside you, guiding and showing the way.  You must remain focused, and stay upon the path They have laid out for you.  Any attempt to set aside Their gift will result only in loss, pain and hardship.  So struggle forward, and you will earn the righteous rewards for your efforts.


Perihelios (I) Dec. 19 – Jan. 17, 2017/2018

(K) Kappa, (M) Mu, (Δ) Delta

A great wave of motion will toss you within its twirling winds, during the month of Perihelios.  It will sweep you up, and affect all that you have done up to this point.  Do not fight change.  Change is the constant.  It will grind you down like a weathered stone if you try.  And yet, through this change, it is possible to forge ahead on your journey, resting in far off places you never would have known had the great wind not taken you.  Change is harrowing, but also a blessing in disguise.  Do your work, and the timing for ascent out of the maelstrom with reveal itself to you.  Strike then, with force, and be released.


Prostaterias (II) Jan. 18 – Feb. 15, 2018

(T) Tau, (A) Alpha, (Ψ) Psi

During the month of Prostaterias, you will be called upon to release someone (or something– this could easily pertain to a project you have worked on for many months or years– something so dear to you, it is as a child parted from its mother’s arms) into the harsh world, where they may face struggles and criticisms that you can not shield them from.  It must happen for the growth of the one you hold dear.  Letting them (or it) go now will result in the most favorable outcome.  To attempt to withhold them (or it) will likely be disastrous in the long term, though it may assuage your short term fears.  The Gods are watching, and have concurred in this oracle.


Daphneion (III) Feb. 16 – Mar. 17, 2018

(O) Omicron, (Φ) Phi, (Ξ) Xi

In the month of Daphneion, we receive a warning.  What we give to the Universe comes back to us.  Our actions have consequence.  When we receive the fruit of our labors, or our words, we must take full responsibility.  The Gods are not at fault for what we do and say, and the criticisms or troubles we reap.  If we wish to receive the good, we must first cultivate the good in ourselves, so we may send it forth to generate the profits we seek.  If we do not, or we do nothing, we can not expect a prize fruit from a tree untended.

— Columbine [Aegletia, Day 7]