All In One Aegletia Guide

Prelude to the Aegletia: Nine Illuminations


[The Aegletia begins every October 1st, and lasts through October 9th]


Dear friends, we Sisters of the Treasury would like to invite you all, in celebration of our Bright Lord, Apollon, to participate in the eighth annual Aegletia, the first stirrings of which will begin on the Autumnal Equinox (Agetoreios 24 [Sep. 23, 2019]), marking for us the shift toward the Hyperborean Season, and as the Equinox draws near, we will share more articles and information for those who choose to participate.

Those first weeks after the Autumnal Equinox are most sacred, for this is when Apollon begins His journey, and when we welcome Him for a time into our homes, for the Nine Illuminations, in His honor.

The Aegletia also honors Leto and Artemis, as They are integral to Apollon’s life and Mystery. At a time when He is celebrated so lovingly, His Mother and Sister should be included, and are each honored in Their own right, on separate days of the festival.

The overall theme that has persisted throughout these eight years, continuing to persist for this year’s celebration, is coming to grips with Apollon’s eventual and necessary shift in focus away from this world and our human affairs, during the winter. We may approach His absence in a variety of ways, but the purpose of the Aegletia, is to facilitate our unique illumination of the bonds we share with Him, collectively and individually. Each of the Nine Illuminations is measured to guide us through a particular modality of His Power and Being.

Day 1 – Preparation and Purification. Time spent alone in meditation or contemplation.

Day 2 – The Arrival of Apollon at the festival, and thus in our homes. Personal celebration between Apollon and each bride, devotee, celebrant, or familial unit.

Day 3 – Celebrating Artemis and the unbreakable bond between the Holy Twins. Celebrating the freedom of being in harmony with Apollon.

Day 4 – Celebrating Leto and the ferocious spirit the Holy Twins have inherited from Their Mother. Acknowledging risk, danger, fear, and the unknown, existing within the liminal spaces of existence.

Day 5 – Celebrating the Awareness of Life, as the danger passes. Celebrating the world in all of its splendor, truth and terror. Abstinence from untruths.

Day 6 – Exploration of the Beauty of the Illuminated World. Ritual, art, and celebrations with dance and music, as well as competitive games and sacred theater. Telling of myths and revealed stories, especially to and among children, where applicable.

Day 7 – Celebration of the Fellowship of the Treasury of Apollon as extensions of our Prince’s mortal family, as well as a safe community for His brides and devotees. Proclamations of love, poetry, ecstatic ritual and prayer, and oracular trance are all encouraged on this day. Child-friendly, and family oriented celebrations are also advised for those to whom it applies.

Day 8 – Calm and Quietude. Resting with the knowledge and insights gained from the previous days, and meditation upon the connections established between the Treasury of Apollon, our Sisterhood, and/or any other type of familial unit in participation with the festival, including connections made by and with our Lord, that we have established with all things seeking, and in reverence of His light and magnitude.

Day 9 – The Procession, and Farewell to the King. At the end of the night, or whenever you decide to see Him and His Mother and Sister off, is the time for intricate, elaborate or long-planned offerings to be presented to Him, for His departure. These gifts are to be burned, and their ashes buried, forever given in sacrifice. If burning is not possible, they should be wrapped in dark cloth and placed in an area where they will not be seen or disturbed, until such time comes that they may be properly burned and buried. After this ritual burning, festival participants should express their goodbyes to Apollon, as He continues on toward Hyperborea.

The Aegletia is designed so that anyone may participate from the comfort of their own home or ritual space, while also eluding to a time when the Treasury of Apollon exists in a physical gathering space, wherein the Sisterhood, along with the outer circle, may gather to celebrate the full breadth of the Nine Illuminations.

This is the future we see and hope for. We believe there is room for each of us, individually, as well as within groups or familial units, to personalize our Aegletia activities, while remaining within the overarching theme, of accepting Him and His influence, reveling in His Nature, the light and the world, and celebrating His departure, while maintaining the certainty that He will return to us in the spring.

So, be welcomed into our tradition, if you will, and join us as we experience the purifying light, and work toward the illumination of us all, through Apollon Aegletes, the Gleaming One, Lord of the Setting Sun, our Beloved God!

— Treasury of Apollon

Decorations and Preparations for the Aegletia


The Aegletia (October 1st through October 9th, 2019) will be our eighth annual celebration of our Lord’s Departure. This simple guide is given, that any who choose to, may prepare their homes, or other spaces, for Apollon’s arrival and presence during the festival.

There are a few specific ways in which you may enrich your space, beginning with the cleaning and organizing of the space you have chosen to utilize. Declutter, and put away everything that has a proper place. Dust, and wipe down your surfaces, along with sweeping, vacuuming, and anything else that you know needs to be addressed. This doesn’t have to be a super deep clean, but certainly enough to be welcoming and comfortable for your important g/Guests.

After the cleaning, you may want to look for seasonal flowers or fruits, especially those local to your own area of the world, and place them decoratively around your space. If the leaves have started to turn, even those make a lovely addition to the mood and atmosphere. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, perhaps some young buds, or leafy plants, and of course, flowers. This is a time for us to mark the shift in the land, and we must not ignore our own locales. Our environments are the foundations to Treasury practice. Be aware of the land upon which you dwell, and flow with the turn of the seasons, as you experience them, first and foremost.

Note also the fleeting nature of Apollon’s time with us before His final departure, during the Ninth Illumination. Many flowers and plants last only a little over a week after being cut. So, with the festival lasting a total of nine days, by the time the Ninth Illumination arrives, many of them will be ready for appropriate offering to the ritual fire, should you choose to have one.

Moving on to other ways of attuning our spaces toward Apollon’s grace, we take note of the origin of our festival’s name. As the Aegletia is given its name after Apollon Aegletes, our Lord of the Setting Sun, and of the waning light, we must also be aware that what we feel during His Departure is not actually predicated upon the meteorological experience of the season of winter, as exists in the Northern Hemisphere. Apollon makes His journey at the same time each year, in all places, and winter is not the universal season experienced everywhere at this time. Summer holds its own mysteries in conjunction to His Departure, therefor, those in the Southern Hemisphere should feel no less free to fully exercise their own ways of acknowledgement and celebration. Think of the waning light as a metaphor for His encroaching distance, rather than taking the language literally, when it does not apply to your environment.

Having said that, let us move the conversation back toward decoration. Crystals, especially bold, sunlight colors, and those which are traditionally associated with Apollon, are a great addition to your space and festivities. Many Apollonians, including our Sisterhood, are fond of carnelian, or of orange or yellow calcite, as well as amber, quartz and selenite. You can read up on the properties of these crystals if you wish to incorporate them into your decorative choices, but this is not strictly necessary. These are, of course, not the only crystals or stones that one may decide to utilize, and all are encouraged to make their own correspondences, that every aspect of the Aegletia be attuned to their needs and wants.

Crystals or stones may be placed upon the altar, or within His shrine, during the week leading to the festival, that His blessing may be bestowed upon them. Leaving the crystals or stones out (in a safe location) at or near dusk for a succession of days, will allow them to absorb the solar energies which are present, that those energies may to transferred to the space that you are preparing. On the first day of the Aegletia, spread the crystals or stones decoratively about your living space, asking Apollon to extend His blessings across all areas of the home.

Another important preparation would be to clear the space of negative, or undesired energetic influence. This may be done in a variety of ways, and any that you are familiar and comfortable with already will suffice. One simple method of doing so includes the use of prepared salt water. Fill a clean jar with water, add a generous amount of salt (tap water and table salt are absolutely acceptable, though some may choose spring water or sea salt, as suits their tastes), speak your intent into the concoction, seal the jar, and place it upon your kitchen or dining room table. The jar will absorb any negative energy pervading the space, and should be emptied (onto the ground somewhere off your property, or alternatively, down the drain of your kitchen sink) and refilled once a day for best results. Should you choose to continue this during the festival proper, the emptying/filling of the jar may become another meaningful part of the daily/nightly ritual.

The reason for clearing the negative energy of the table is to prepare it for the convivial energy of celebration that should begin to permeate the household, as the First Illumination approaches. The table is also a suggested place for a small altar or shrine for the Divine Guests of the Aegletia.

And finally, it is encouraged that participants set aside a cozy area of the home, perhaps a living room, perhaps a bedroom, or even a different room of your choosing, for the presentation of gifts or other offerings for Apollon, Leto, and Artemis. This could be done near the home’s main altar or shrine for Apollon, or a new shrine or altar created specifically for the festival. Be sure to decorate this area appropriate to your tastes, and Apollon’s liking. Another use of this space may be the creation of the farewell gifts that you will present to Apollon on the Ninth Illumination. It can be a beautiful place of love and conversation, storytelling and dance, and whatever other celebratory ways you choose. If children are present, be sure to include some age-appropriate activities for them, as well, throughout the Aegletia festival.

May all be blessed, and may our Lord see you swiftly and tenderly upon the morning of the Second Illumination.

Hail Hyperboreios! Hail Aegletes! Hail Anax, Apollon, our King!

— Treasury of Apollon

The Sacred Departure


My Lord, Your season comes like a gale force wind, ripping through branch and blade, bending all which is flexible, while breaking the rigid and the frail.

O, my Lord, a razor-wind is welcome, cutting into the breathless, struggling for air within a whirlwind. The sound surrounds, circulates, circumvents all thought and reason– a driving sound, full of hope and consequences.

O, Divine Lord, You have set out upon this world, and we feel the signs of You everywhere. Distance grows, as the night creeps upon the day– cool twilight our companion, our lives held in liminal sway.

Apollon, O Lord, You are the Storm, You are the Calm. You are the boundary of fear and desire. And all shall rejoice where You roam.

It is upon the Autumnal Equinox that Apollon begins His annual tour, before at last moving on toward His winter throne, at Hyperborea. This day is referred to in the Treasury as the Departure, and we honor Him solemnly, quietly, and introspectively, out of respect for this seasonal/psychological transition.

In order to ease our anxiety at His passage, we may focus on His lightbearing qualities, with particular emphasis upon the waning light of dusk, represented in His epithet, Aegletes. Even as the sun sets, we know the dawn will rise again. So it is with Apollon. He leaves us for a time, for His duties take Him elsewhere, to Lands with concerns beyond our own. But He always returns, in the spring.

As we prepare for the Aegletia, the coming days are crucial. Use this time to purify the energies of your home or ritual space, for last minute decorating, and for final planning of rituals and other activities for the Nine Illuminations. The time will move quickly, so be certain you will have what you need.

And when the sun rises on the morning of the First Illumination, know that your only concern should be preparing yourself, in all the ways that you deem necessary, for our Beloved Prince. In the subsequent days, you will be pushed and tested, as well as uplifted and celebrated, so taking this time to lovingly tend to your own needs will replenish you, so that you may in turn replenish those who share space with you, and who walk with you in reverence of Apollon.

— Treasury of Apollon

Suggestions for the Aegletia


Since I still have a lot of household things to do throughout the week of Aegletia, my observances will be in many brief but focused intervals each day. The first day, which is for our purification, I will be preparing khernips with a variety of herbs and sea salt. I will likely sprinkle the khernips throughout the house and over the outdoor altar. I will also put some of the khernips into a clear container and set it out on the outdoor altar with offerings and prayer to Apollon for purification. Later that evening, while I shower, I will pour that water over myself in the final purificatory act. Then I’ll seal it with intent by anointing myself with lavender essential oil. There are many, many ways of personal purification. These are but a few of mine.

On the second day, His arrival at our hearths, I will wait to let Him lead me in whatever kind of bonding experience He chooses. This is the most intimate of the festival days, when it is just you and Him together. I will try to just feel His presence and revel in His attention. I’ll probably try to get in a few rounds of prayer and maybe a shared meal.

Day three, I will honor Artemis, though I’m not exactly sure how that is going to look. I have never had much of a connection to Artemis. I’ve had some experiences of Her that were amazing, but I just don’t know how to reach out to Her. She’s definitely been on my peripheral, though. I was thinking of staging a “Hunt” for my daughter, kind of like an Easter egg hunt, but with animal figurines hidden all over the yard. There would be prizes depending on the ferocity of the animal and the number of animals accumulated. And of course, prayers to the wildlife spirits around us. Last year, we visited a snake sanctuary, and it was very compelling.

The fourth day is for Leto, and She will be given the most prominent space on the altar on this day. As a family, we will honor Her as the dark mother. with twilight offerings and gifts, at least one handmade. Though, before the evening focus on Leto, we will try to push our personal boundaries by doing something we’ve never done before, something which takes us outside of our comfort zones. For my family this will likely mean a trip to someplace we’ve never been, along with a brief essay of our impressions of the place, to give as offerings to Apollon. We may also come back with flowers for Leto.

The fifth day will be for the exploration of beauty in our world. I’m going to suggest a trip to the beach for my family since it may still be warm enough down south where I’m at, as I find few things more beautiful than sunlit water. This will also give me an opportunity to discuss water safety with the child again, which touches upon the ugliness of life when we contemplate the risk of drowning. I will also emphasize the not lying on the fifth day, and bring back some shells or sand dollars for Apollon.

On day six, we’ll probably stay home, listen to many different genres of music, maybe play “guess the classical composer”, make some more pretty decorations for Apollon’s altar, and tell and act out some of my daughter’s favorite myths involving Him. Also, we may plant some bulbs that will sprout in the spring, to welcome Him for His return, as suggested by another Sister.

Day seven will be a much more structured day, ritually speaking. My daughter and I will pray at the altar, and I will give her another divination lesson with the alphabet oracle. I’ll have her meditate, then describe the imagery she receives either verbally to Apollon before the altar, or in written form. Later that evening, I will go into trance to receive messages for my Sisters, should our Lord have any to pass on, through me.

The eighth day is for winding down from the previous days’ festivities, as well as for meditating on what one has learned throughout the festival, thus far. For my family, this will be a quiet day with mostly wordless worship offered to Him. We’ll likely do a silent, traditionally focused ritual that will end in our seclusion in various parts of the house, so that we can concentrate without being distracted by one another. As I’ll still have much to do, I will probably end up in the kitchen, communing with Apollon while I prepare a nice grounding meal for everyone. I’ll have my daughter serve Apollon first, at the altar.

Day nine is for the procession, and we will carry offerings from the indoor altar to the outdoor altar by way of walking through and around the house and property. We will have prepared several new offerings to give to Apollon, via the ritual fire, where we will burn them to ash, so that he may receive them on Olympos. We will say closing prayers of thanks to Him, His Mother and Sister, and we will have one final meal together as the offerings burn.

And that’s it. We will have celebrated the Aegletia for another year. I certainly hope everyone who decides to join us, whether we ever know it, has a wonderful, thought-provoking celebration which brings you all closer to Apollon, His Family, and to your own families, as well. May we all shine with His inner light. Blessed Aegletia to you all.

— Treasury of Apollon

The Aegletia’s Food Guidelines


A couple years back, I (Sunweaver) wrote a short ritual for the Aegletia and felt that it was time to add a little bit to it. One thing I’ve always wanted to have as part of our tradition is some shared foodways. Given that we have many different backgrounds, that’s not easy, but the concepts surrounding the Aegletia give us the opportunity to develop some common culinary practices. I’ve outlined some ideas and will be testing them out this year, but I would also like to invite all of you to share your thoughts and maybe even recipes. The great thing about this is that you can do as much or as little of this as you want to and you should be able to accommodate these ideas, even with a tight budget. I’ve been there myself and I tried to write these guidelines with a mind toward compassion for those of us with smaller budgets or who may not have access to a wide variety of ingredients. First, I offer a blessing for food, which I like to say before a sacred meal. There’s a long-ish list of blessings, but you are meant to choose from those that are relevant to your particular meal. If you don’t have beans, for example, you can leave out the one to Kyamites.

**** Blessing the Meal ****


We give thanks to you, Immortal Gods, for the bounty before us.

May you bless our meal, so that from it we might gain strength, health, and long life.

We give thanks to Hestia, for blessing our hearth.

We give thanks to Zeus, for bringing the rain.

We give thanks to Apollon, for healthy crops and herds.

We give thanks to Dionysos, for the gift of wine.

We give thanks to Demeter, for the fruits of the Earth.

We give thanks to Athene, for the gift of olives.

We give thanks to Triptolemos, who taught us to farm.

We give thanks to Aristaeos, who taught us to make cheese, keep bees, and tend animals.

We give thanks to Kyamites, who taught us to grow beans.

**** Guidelines for Eating During the Aegletia ****


First Night: Purification

Drink nothing but water today and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Meals should be high in fiber and plant-based. If you have any sensitivities, such as lactose intolerance, avoid those foods especially today. Avoid added and refined sugars, where possible, as well as highly processed foods.

There are a lot of “detox” foods and drinks floating around, but the science behind them is dubious, at best. Nutritionally speaking, water and fiber are your two best weapons against toxins in the body. Our bodies are usually very good at expelling toxins, but need water and fiber as the vehicle with which to do that.

Example: Seasoned chick peas, herbed barley, roasted peaches with cinnamon, and fresh salad.

Second Night: Arrival

Include dates, which Mother Leto ate upon Lord Apollon’s arrival. Include imported foods to remind us that Delos is barren and produces no food for herself. For our purposes, any food not produced locally or regionally is sufficient to consider “imported.” I live in the American South, for example, so anything produced west of the Mississippi river and north of Kentucky would be considered outside my region and, therefore, “imported,” even if it’s not necessarily from another country. The distinction isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, but rather one you can make for yourself based on what you would consider “regional.”

Apollon’s arrival may be cause to have a somewhat bigger, nicer, “Sunday Dinner” sort of meal, since we are inviting our Bright Lord on this day.

Example: Baked chicken with dried Mediterranean apricots, tropical fruit salad, brown rice or barley, steamed broccoli, and whole dates.

Third Night: Artemis

Food that has been caught from the wild or hunted would be appropriate for the third night, but availability and expense of something like venison or wild-caught fish might prevent this option from being a practical one. Instead, if you live in a household with children, it is their day to choose their favorite meal. Otherwise, a favorite meal from your own childhood, one that inspires fond remembrances, would also be appropriate. If you have pets, this is a good day to give them a special treat.

Example: Hot dogs, sweet potato fries, and baked beans with finely chopped onions and apples. For the dog: a small serving of unseasoned sweet potato, thoroughly cooked and skinned.

Fourth Night: Leto

Once again, this is a good night to serve dates, for the same reason as we did in the second night. This night, it is the mother’s night to choose what’s for dinner. If you are not yourself a mother or no mothers live in the household, you might choose something that reminds you fondly of a motherly figure in your life. This does not necessarily need to be your own mother, just someone who nurtured you as Mother Leto nurtures Her own children and those devoted to Her. Drink only water today and kindly offer water to others when you can. The people of Lycia denied water to Mother Leto, but water is for everyone and should be shared freely.

Example: Chopped dates with roasted nuts, ratatouille, barley with herbed pesto and flax seed.

Fifth Night: Awareness

There are some foods that are supposedly good for your brain and may help you be more alert and aware. The scholarship on this may change over time and we can always make adjustments if that happens. A modest amount of caffeine is appropriate today and foods like flax seed, almonds, eggs, beets, fatty fish (such as salmon), walnuts, fresh fruit, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, whole grains, broccoli, carrots, winter squash, and dark chocolate are purported to be good for concentration, focus, and memory.

Example: Spinach/tomato omelettes, whole wheat carrot nut muffins, orange juice

Sixth Night: Beauty

For the sixth night, it doesn’t matter what you decide to make as long as you put some effort forth into making it look nice. Make food with lots of bright, natural colors, make use of a little garnish, arrange the food nicely on the plate, tidy up the kitchen table, put out the good china. Even if you’re having chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese, put a sprig of parsley on top of that mac and cheese; make it look a little bit fancy.

Example: Purple cabbage with onions (sauteed in olive oil with salt and pepper); steamed carrots tossed in honey and butter, baked herb chicken, parsley garnish.

Seventh Night: Fellowship

This is a good night to invite a friend to dinner or have a potluck with friends. You could even share food with friends and neighbors. There’s a lot of room for creativity and opportunity for strengthening friendships on this day.

Example: Chili and cornbread, but with friends.

Eighth Night: Quietude

For the eighth night, you will want to avoid caffeine and have foods that are calming in nature. Again, like the fifth night, our ideas about what foods are meant to have a calming effect on the body and brain might change over time and we can adjust accordingly when we have new information. As of now, however, you might consider asparagus (which tends to be expensive this time of year), avocados, berries, oranges, foods containing zinc (oysters are suggested, but I find them repulsive), walnuts, almonds, salmon, spinach, turkey, and oatmeal.

Example: (For breakfast) Oatmeal with dried berries and walnuts, sweetened with a little honey. (For dinner) Spinach salad topped with sliced almonds, mandarin oranges, avocado, slices of grilled or baked turkey, with a raspberry walnut dressing.

Ninth Night: Farewell

Hera gave an apple tree to Zeus as a wedding gift and it grows in Hyperborea under the heavy guard of the daughters of Atlas, the Hesperides, and the dragon Ladon. Not even Herakles could go and get any apples himself (having had to ask Atlas to do so), and even if we could, we would have to return them. We do, however, have delicious mortal realm apple trees, so thank the Gods for that! We can eat “golden,” yellow, or green apples on this day to remind us of the probably way more amazing ones that grow in Hyperborea.

This is also a good night for simple comfort foods, since we will soon be parted with our Bright Lord, the Discerning One. This may mean different things to different people, depending on your upbringing, but warm soups and stews or any sort of fare that reminds you of the comforts of home will do nicely. This is not a day for fancy food that takes hours to prepare.

Example: Grilled cheese and tomato soup with baked cinnamon apples.

— Treasury of Apollon

Purification Ritual for Brides, Lovers and Consorts


This ritual is adapted from my (Columbine) personal purificatory regimen, for use by any bride, lover, consort, etc., of Apollon. Of course, any devotee may use this ritual, but it was adapted with His many lovers in mind. It is not traditionally Hellenic. It is shared for the Aegletia, to be done on the First Illumination: Purification. It is to be done before bedtime.

You will need:

A clean shower or tub
Sea salt
White clothes and veil (optional)
Two prepared purification waters of your choice; one to drink and one to pour over the body
An anointing oil of your choice (olive oil may be used)
A prepared offering of your choice
Bay leaves, and a means of burning and containing them

**** Special diet consisting solely of fruits, breads, herbs/spices, olive oil, honey, salt and water, should be adhered to (by those able and willing) for at least twenty-four hours prior to purification ritual. ****

First, wash the body and hair, shave appropriately (if you choose to shave), then scrub down your whole body with sea salt. Do not rinse. Dry and dress in white clothes, and a loose white veil.

Approach the shrine or altar. Propitiate the Beloved. Give thanks, and praise unto Him. Unveil, and drink previously prepared inner purification water. Anoint the body with an oil that both you and Apollon find pleasing. Begin purificatory visualization, breathing exercises (optional), and chakra cleansing (optional).

Visualize the flow of water, flushing away the impurities, leaving the body clean. Visualize the same for the auric and astral bodies. Continue chakra cleansing (optional), and breathing exercises (optional), while visualizing.

Visualize yourself ascending a tall spiral staircase leading to a spiritual abode where the Beloved waits for you, becoming more pure with each upward curve toward perfection. Visualize your arrival and the Beloved’s presence enshrouding you. Repeat these words: “I am whole. I am holy. I am perfect. I am Yours.”

Commune with the Beloved.

After your communion, awaken, and give thanks and praise unto Him. Veil yourself again, and ask that He create a shield from, and a system with which to flush away all future impurities before they have the opportunity to take root. Accept His divine touch. Give thanks and praise unto Him.

Present previously prepared offering, then burn bay leaves to seal your intent. Give thanks and praise unto Him.

Now, invite the Beloved to be received into your home on the second day of the Aegletia. Leave the shrine or altar and commence rinsing body and hair in a warm bath or shower, then pour previously prepared outer purification water over your body. Dry, dress in comfortable night clothes (or not, as the case may be) and sleep.

— Treasury of Apollon

Sunweaver’s Aegletia Ritual, with contributions by Columbine – Reorganized


Big thanks go to Sunweaver for the original outline for the Aegletia’s daily/nightly ritual. We have shared it in previous years, but this time it’s been fleshed out a bit, to be more of a guide, rather than simply a framework.

[First Night]

As you know, the first night of the Aegletia is set aside for purification, of oneself, one’s home, one’s close relationships to those with whom we share space, our spiritual lives, and many other things. There are no set ways to go about this, and we have provided a couple of suggestions, here and here, though whatever is your own go-to method should work perfectly well. After such purification is complete, and you have made certain that your space is suitably tidy, you may begin.

Gather all celebrants together in your chosen space, or area of the home. At this time, you may offer khernips to all present, and gently asperge the ritual area and/or the altar(s)/shrine(s).

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“Hestia, who tends the holy house of Lord Apollon, the Far-Shooter of Pytho, welcome to this house. May this place be made holy, as were the temples of old, with our work and your love.

“Blessed are the Gods of Olympos, Immortal Twelve, who have brought us to this moment. May our joy sustain us through the coming season.”

[To be recited Each Night, henceforth referred to as “The Litany”]

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“Blessed are You, Apollon, light of this world.”

(Celebrants respond– If you are alone, you will simply recite this yourself.)

“May we be kept within Your reach
Always striving to seek what is right
And what is good among all life situations.”

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“Blessed are You, Apollon, gleaming in the distance.”

(Celebrants respond)

“May Your trail illuminate the ways
That we may follow You
Even as the dark begins its reign.”

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“Blessed are You, Apollon, wolf of twilight.”

(Celebrants respond)

“May we never run fearfully from Your howl
Which is the precursor to Your embrace
And a warning to the many who cross Your path.”

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“Blessed are You, Apollon, perched upon a high throne.”

(Celebrants respond)

“May we bask in Your radiance, yearning to honor You
In action, as well as speech
For You are the arbiter of peace and righteousness.”

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“Blessed are You, Apollon, our Lord, our King.”

(Celebrants respond)

“Riding on the winds, holding sway over the Seasons
May we know You as intimately as the soil knows the rain
And may we dance to the melody of Your lyre, in Winter, once again.” (<—- End of “The Litany”)

(Ritual Facilitator lights first candle)

“We have come to the First Illumination: Purification. This light, from which all others will be lit, represents the purity of the Son of Leto. We have made our home a temple and we await Apollo Aegletes, He who Illuminates.”

Now, everyone may go do whatever it is that they/you have planned for the rest of the first night.

[Second Night]


(Ritual Facilitator and Celebrants recite “The Litany”)

(Ritual Facilitator lights second candle from the flame of the first)

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“We have come to the Second Illumination: Arrival. This light represents Apollon’s presence in our lives. Though we may not always see the flame, it still yet burns.”

Now, everyone may go do whatever it is that they/you have planned for the rest of the second night.

[Third Night]


(Ritual Facilitator and Celebrants recite “The Litany”)

(Ritual Facilitator lights third candle from the flame of the first, or second, depending upon the symbolism you wish to convey***.)

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“We have come to the Third Illumination: Artemis. This light represents the everlasting warmth between Leto’s children: a bond that will never be broken.”

Now, everyone may go do whatever it is that they/you have planned for the rest of the third night.

[Fourth Night]


(Ritual Facilitator and Celebrants recite “The Litany”)

(Ritual Facilitator lights fourth candle from the flame of the first, or third)

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“We have come to the Fourth Illumination: Leto. This light represents the indomitable Holy Mother from whom the blessed Twins inherited their fiery spirit.”

Now, everyone may go do whatever it is that they/you have planned for the rest of the fourth night.

[Fifth Night]


(Ritual Facilitator and Celebrants recite “The Litany”)

(Ritual Facilitator lights fifth candle from the flame of the first, or fourth)

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“We have come to the Fifth Illumination: Awareness. This light represents the world as it is and not as it is imagined to be. Apollo’s light is truth.”

Now, everyone may go do whatever it is that they/you have planned for the rest of the fifth night.

[Sixth Night]


(Ritual Facilitator and Celebrants recite “The Litany”)

(Ritual Facilitator lights sixth candle from the flame of the first, or fifth)

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“We have come to the Sixth Illumination: Beauty. This light represents the illuminated world, made brighter with art, music, theater, dance, and games.”

Now, everyone may go do whatever it is that they/you have planned for the rest of the sixth night.

[Seventh Night]


(Ritual Facilitator and Celebrants recite “The Litany”)

(Ritual Facilitator lights seventh candle from the flame of the first, or sixth)

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“We have come to the Seventh Illumination: Fellowship. This light represents those who worship Apollon who, though we may be distant from one another, are brought together by our mutual love of our Lord.”

Now, everyone may go do whatever it is that they/you have planned for the rest of the seventh night.

[Eighth Night]


(Ritual Facilitator and Celebrants recite “The Litany”)

(Ritual Facilitator lights eighth candle from the flame of the first, or seventh)

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“We have come to the Eighth Illumination: Quietude. This light represents the insights that will continue to grow as we cultivate a quiet mind, giving space within ourselves for Apollon’s gifts.”

Now, everyone may go do whatever it is that they/you have planned for the rest of the eighth night.

[Ninth Night]


(Ritual Facilitator and Celebrants recite “The Litany”)

(Ritual Facilitator lights ninth candle from the flame of the first, or eighth)

(Ritual Facilitator speaks)

“We have come to the Ninth Illumination: Farewell. This light represents all that we will carry with us through the winter’s dark and Apollon’s absence as he rests in Hyperborea. We say farewell in gladness and joy, for He has left us with many blessings.”

Aegletia gifts should be presented to Apollon (and Artemisand Letoat this time, followed by thanks and much praise.

(Ritual Facilitator speaks something similar— use your own words whenever and wherever possible, for they will likely be more emotionally potent than most words written by otherseven ours.)

“Hail to Apollo Aegletes, who casts away the shadow, or lurks within it! Hail to He whom brightens the way within our own darkness, whose passage heralds discomfort, before the Spring (or Autumn– remember, your current location is the centerpiece of Treasury practice) Return!

“Hail to Artemis, His Twin!

“Hail to Leto, Their Mother!

“So say we all!”

(Celebrants respond)

“So say we all!”

[End of Ritual]

(*** Lit from first candle = ‘May our endeavors spring from the purity of the source‘. Lit from the second candle = ‘May our endeavors build continually from our foundations‘.)

— Treasury of Apollon

Welcoming His Arrival


Hail to you my love, my king. O father of shadows, you who recline in this our bower. You have set off your radiant crown and there is not but the golden gleam of your face.

Oh king of the winds, you have cracked open the hallowed doors of Boreas, and draw me within your hidden warmth. For the warmth of the world passes, you are the flame that consumes me.

Hail to you my love, you who approach with your windy hounds, those griffins of your father. The household shudders as you approach the door, and the ravens cry good tidings.

— Treasury of Apollon


Aegletes, the General


Aegletes teaches indirectly.  He brightens what was once left dark and void. He glimmers from a far distance, drawing our attention, then driving our glances away, as He stings the eyes of those who dare gaze upon Him.

Aegletes is the setting sun.  His path leads Him to concerns we may not fathom.  His is a world between worlds, where the fates of all living and unliving dwell.

Aegletes will lead you to the islands; all those long forgotten parts of your own soul.  He will make you see what you have avoided, and will not relent until you have accepted.

Aegletes disappears into your darkness, only to reemerge, brighter than your elation at His return.  He knows what parts of you are too far gone to save, and what must be coaxed back into the light.

Aegletes is a healer, but He heals through the absence of medicine.  He will not hold your hand, but will instead thrust you toward the trial you must face; and there will you find your remedy.

Aegletes is the promise of a new day.  His is the security of knowing that the worlds will dance their spiral dance, on through the ages, while He Himself conducts the symphony which drives its movement.

Aegletes will ensure that we are not stagnant.  He will pull and prod us through many terrible things.  He will have no remorse for His actions, and we will lament His attention, many times.

Aegletes is our Lord and Master, and through His guidance we will master our own imperfections.  He wills us to be strong, and by His illumination we sever ourselves from those fragile weaknesses.

Aegletes does not settle for less than perfect truth.  He sets the example that we are to follow, and He never demands anything that He Himself would not do.  His is the pride of the general leading polished troops.

Prayer of Farewell


O Lord of the breath between life and death, He who set the dragon to rot in the holy light of Helios, our Bright Shining God, pleased are we to have hosted You and Your Family.

Delighted were we in Your constant presence, and grateful are we for Your arrival here. But now, as our festival ends, we acknowledge that You must now depart.

In our love for You, we have given You our best, and made room for You in our innermost realms; that which is personal, and that which we share with our loved ones.

O Truth-bearer, we have not recoiled from the lessons You have seen fit to teach, nor have we scorned the revelations You have bestowed.  We know that with Your favor comes a price, and we are glad to pay it.

But for now, we rejoice in the knowing of You, O Lord, in Your coming and in Your going forth from this world.  For there are Other worlds that You must now tend to, with their many corresponding concerns.  Though we love You beyond what mere words can convey, never would we think to deprive these Others of Your grace and devotion.

And so, Apollon, Beloved Anax, Beloved Aegletes, Beloved Hyperboreios, we send You to complete Your journey with naught but love in our hearts.  We know that You will again return to us, so we are not concerned by Your absence.  What is inevitable always comes to pass.

Lord of the Winds, who brings winter in His wake, do not look back, and do not worry, for we are Yours and we are strong.  We are what You have made, and we will shine Your light in the dark months.

And when You return, Apollon, we will be here to welcome You in all Your feral glory, and we will help to ease Your transition back into civilization.  But for now, think only of what awaits You over the threshold.

Farewell, Apollon.  Farewell, Beloved.  Farewell, our Bright Shining God.


[The Aegletia begins every October 1st, and lasts through October 9th]