Oracular Forecast – Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2024

Brown rabbit on green grass during daytime, by Ali Kazal.

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2024

Theoxenion (IV) – Mar. 11 – Apr. 8, 2024

(H) Eta, (B) Beta, (Π) Pi

In Theoxenion, we are told to keep ourselves in check, and to be mindful of our thoughts, which may lead us to stray away from right action. None of us are exempt from negative thoughts. Yet, always, it is how we process those thoughts which matter most. When feeling overwhelmed, we should remember that the life-giving Gods are a source of strength and inspiration. Reaching out to Them shows a level of strength and maturity that we all should cultivate in times of hardship, or stress. Their Presence alleviates many ailments, and with Them, we may find our focus. Never should we run from what is difficult, but instead should face it. But we need not face it alone.

Pytheion (V) – Apr. 9 – May 8, 2024

(Γ) Gamma, (Ξ) Xi, (Z) Zeta

For Pytheion, we are reminded that we always receive what is due to us. If we have spent our days showering goodness upon our friends and loved ones, then goodness is what is due. If, however, we have instead sown deceit or discord among those in our closest vicinity, or beyond, then we are due to pay a heavy price for the mismanagement of our emotions, and the resulting misdeeds. None can expect to reap rewards where we have only sown salt and ashes. If you can walk away from the source of your troubles, then do so. Remaining to fight or argue a losing case, especially when it is obvious that you are in the wrong, is not a hill anyone should be willing to die on.

Batrachion (VI) – May 9 – Jun. 6, 2024

(Ψ) Psi, (B) Beta, (M) Mu

Listen, for in Batrachion you have been given the decree! This is the right and just decision of the Many Gods– take heed, or do not– but know that it is set in motion! There will come a time when assistance is needed. Do not labor too long in thought before petitioning Apollon. Timing is paramount, and with Him at your back, flinging His many arrows into the obstacles that have placed themselves before you, you will find that reaching your goal is not only possible, but imminent. Yet remain aware that this triumph is your own, and as such, the real work of achieving it is your own, as well. Apollon will only assist in this undertaking. You must be the tenacious one, who spearheads the endeavor.

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 7 – Jul. 5, 2024

(Ω) Omega, (I) Iota, (B) Beta

Pyrophorion is sure to be difficult. It may seem as though all the world conspires against you, or that nothing you do gains traction. Refrain from succumbing to such negative assumptions. There are always reasons for the circumstances we find ourselves in, and they usually do not include conspiracies. Most cause and effect is out of our control, and thus, like leaves blowing in the wind, we must try to gain purchase on whatever surface we land upon. Once there, it is our responsibility to build what we need to thrive. The vision is ours, and we are the only ones who can see it through. This is the work of all life– to carve out an existence, and to leave a mark on this world that the next generations can build upon. Pray to, petition, and give sweet offerings to the Gods, for Their Hand hovers over your life and livelihood.

Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 6 – Aug. 4, 2024

(X) Khi, (B) Beta, (M) Mu

Karneion is when your rewards first begin to take shape. You have worked diligently for these ends, and have cultivated an ethic of grace and fortitude. This outcome is not happenstance, nor is it solely luck. You have built this result from your own sweat and toil. It is yours to claim, and so are the related accolades. Pride is not always vanity, and there are times to be rightly proud of one’s accomplishments. But, give to the Gods what belongs to the Gods: you were not alone in this, and the Theoi are ever to be acknowledged. An appropriate sacrifice is in order– to keep the balance. And never should it be forgotten, that hard work and perseverance are what wins the day, by the Grace of the Gods.

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 5 – Sep. 3, 2024

(A) Alpha, (M) Mu, (Φ) Phi

In Agetoreios, you were blessed with a smooth start, and many resources. The ability to achieve what you set out to achieve is before you. However, so is a desire to forego the necessary work. Success is not served up on a silver platter, and achievement is not a given. One may not refuse to put forth the effort, then blame the Gods, or others, when the reach falls short of the goal. We must own our mistakes, just as we own our accomplishments. Just as pride is not always vanity, humility is not always debasement. Know that when you misstep, (and you are allowed to misstep– we all make mistakes) you can and should course-correct.

Lykeion (X) – Sep. 4 – Oct. 2, 2024

(Y) Upsilon, (M) Mu, (A) Alpha

You have had the best interest of yourself and those near to you at the heart of your actions for some time. Therefore, in Lykeion, you are reminded that seeking the path of good, leads to the noblest of self-actualization: to be like unto the Gods. Keep yourself on the difficult path, for it alone reveals you in your finery– the potential seen by the Many Gods. Be always willing to stand for the right, and defend those weaker than yourself. This is the never-ending toil, the great and Divine undertaking. If you would model yourself in the likeness of a God– to reach for Their Pinnacle– you must, at least, be willing to serve your fellow man. In so doing, you fulfill your purpose, and achieve what so many profess to strive for, but never truly attain: Nobility.

Aegletion (XI) – Oct. 3 – Nov. 1, 2024

(Σ) Sigma, (Y) Upsilon, (M) Mu

In Aegletion, you are to remain. This is the ground upon which you have labored. It is the cradle of the community you have loved and guided. You are advised to remain, and to allow the apparatus you have built to do what is intended. You needn’t enter the fray, but be a source of solace, and of inspiration to those whose work is parallel to your own. This is the beauty of purpose: when we follow it, we need not expend more energy than a situation warrants– and when we are secure in our purpose, that security bolsters others. To dwell within the truth of oneself is a noble pursuit. And this smoothness, this lack of resistance, is what all the previous toil was meant to facilitate. We work hard, and in turn, our work makes the lives we touch easier– including our own.

[Ktistêsia, 2024]

Oracular Forecast – Telchinion through Daphneion 2023/2024

White swan on water during daytime, by Sascha Bosshard.

Telchinion through Daphneion 2023/2024

Telchinion (XII) – Oct. 15 – Nov. 13, 2023

(M) Mu, (Z) Zeta, (E) Eta

In Telchinion, if you thought the way was easy, or that it was a time to wind down, thinking that the trials were behind you, now you must rethink that assessment. There is much work to be done, some of it tedious, but all of it necessary. This is the work that shapes you, as in individual, and helps to pave the way for the future of many, not only those in your direct care. Take your role seriously, and the seriousness of your actions will reveal what is known to the Gods. In doing this work, be not distracted by what is loud or combative. It is best to keep distance between yourself and a raging storm. Doing otherwise risks you being pulled into traumas that are not your own to process. Do what you know is correct, and the course before you shall remain clear. That which seeks only to destroy what it has not itself built, will be done in by the very forces it seeks to wield, in bad faith. Walk forward, and look only ahead toward the clearing that Helios’ rays have opened for you.

Hyperboraios (XIII) – Nov. 14 – Dec. 12, 2023

(O) Omicron, (M) Mu, (Γ) Gamma

In Hyperboraios, remember that what you put forth is what will return. All that you do and work toward, whether it be for a greater good, or for an aim bordering upon transgression, is known among the Immortal Gods, and They will arrive to set the balance. Let this be a warning against the chattering of idleness, and against more sinister ills. You are better to set your thoughts and actions toward neutrality, or nobility. Be the person that resides within– just and of good character. Be true to your inward desires, and let not the base judgments of intrusive onlookers dictate your actions, or reactions. This too, is necessary work. So long as you remain on the path that is true to your heart and soul, there are no obstacles that can deter you. And for your steadfast awareness, Gaea shall bestow a bountiful harvest.

Perihelios (I) Dec. 13 – Jan. 11, 2023/2024

(Ω) Omega, (Φ) Phi, (T) Tau

Be aware that during Perihelios, as the New Year begins, there will come several unsavory pathways, branching onto dividing lines of succession. None of these will be ideal, and there is no option to abstain. Sometimes life is not fair, and making the best of bad situations means accepting the concequences of our actions. There will be setbacks, drawbacks, and grasping too early the ends once hoped for. They will not be as imagined, yet they must be taken as they are. It will be all too easy to attempt assigning blame to luck, or to chance, but the truth is, that no matter the hand chance deals, all the decisions from that point on, are your own. Do not blame others for what can readily be explained by your choices, even if uninformed– especially if uninformed. Accept reality, and move forward with care. The aftermath of this trial may be even more difficult to cope with, as you will likely find yourself at a crossroads. Will you cleave to inclusion that no longer supports you, leaving yourself open to being culled from a group of no longer like-mind? Or will you sever ties yourself, that have outgrown their usefulness to all parties, thus taking control of your fate, and opening the eyes of others involved? In either scenario, there will be an ending of association.

Prostaterias (II) Jan. 12 – Feb. 9, 2024

(Δ) Delta (Η) Eta, (Φ) Phi

For Prostaterias, the reminder is that power corrupts. Those in positions of power should take heed in this month. Do not aim your sword at the weak, or marginalized. Do not lord over your constituents haughtily. Do not take or co-opt of the labors of others, and do not needlessly bellow your supposed superiority. All these are paths to ruin, and the fall from so far a height is bound to be cataclysmic. Those who disdain this warning from the Deathless Gods shall not achieve the aims they so recklessly pursue. There will be no quarter given when the balance comes due. You are seen. Your actions, and indeed your deepest heart-truths, are recorded. Helios will strip away the outer beauty– the facade– and the underlying rot will be revealed. And after this is done, in the contemptuous tirade of one relieved of their power by the Light of Truth, the one so relieved, will curse the uncurseable, thus sealing themselves within a cycle of hubris– for they will refuse to see how they brought this end upon themselves. Be not like them, but like unto the Gods, and seek Truth, even when it reveals you disfavorably, and when it discomforts your curated image.

Daphneion (III) Feb. 10 – Mar. 10, 2024

(T) Tau, (H) Eta, (Π) Pi

Daphneion declares that you have outgrown a comfortable and familiar space. Whether this space exists within you, or without, is yours to discover. It is now time to act, and to move in ways that will promote the growth of your ideals or worldview. Stagnancy is anathema to what Apollon represents. We who are beloved of Him, must at all times challenge our notions of comfort, and be ready to pull away from long-loved conveniences if they no longer serve our higher purpose; or to embrace new and difficult pursuits if those are what are needed in the present time. You must bathe within the Light, and let it wash away the shadows of past desires. You must be seen. When all this is accomplished, you will begin to understand what gears needed turning to lead you in the current direction. And this direction is where you need to be, in order to claim the prize of an opened and enlightened mind, upon a journey of self-discovery. You have left your previous self behind, and have come to know yourself, presently. Be present.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2023]

Aegletia Is Upcoming

This is only a brief reminder that if anyone has an interest in celebrating the Treasury of Apollon’s modern Apollonian festival of the Aegletia, which begins October 1st, and ends in the late evening of October 9th, the best way to prepare is to follow the links in this post, and to plan your celebrations accordingly. Please, have a happy festival, and take care, Dear Readers.

— Columbine

All In One Aegletia Guide

Festival of Nine Days

Invocations & Evocations


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Oracular Forecast – Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2023

Western diamondback rattlesnake. Found via Google.

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2023

Theoxenion (IV) – Mar. 22 – Apr. 20, 2023

(N) Nu, (Π) Pi, (B) Beta

In the month of Theoxenion, it is revealed that new responsibilities will soon rest on your shoulders. These are given in response to your mastery of life’s many trials, and all the ways in which you have overcome the turbulence of years and situations past. These responsibilities will not easily be mastered, and will indeed push you to your depths, and your limits, yet must you carry on through adversity. Struggle is the way of the world, the way of all life, and that which compels us all forward toward new heights and grand accomplishments. Do not cease. Continue, and fortune will ever be within your reach. Our Lord favors the successes of His people, and so long as we implement the strategies revealed to us, and utilize all the gifts given to us, He will remain steadfast in His assistance. But remember, His is to aid, not to begin, or to complete– that is ours alone to accomplish.

Pytheion (V) – Apr. 21 – May 19, 2023

(Ψ) Psi, (K) Kappa, (B) Beta

In Pytheion, you are to bide your time. Do not overstretch yourself, or take on more than is necessary, for there are unseen plans unfolding within the design of the Gods. Build roads and bridges. Shore up strength, and tend to the vulnerable in your midst. But do not attempt to face head-on, the wave cresting overhead. There are many things which can only be ridden passively, and never tamed through will. We brace for the inevitable; we do not try to alter its course. In so doing, we may again reap the reward of obedience to Apollon’s will for us. Through Him, we are shown the ways of triumph, and of patience.

Batrachion (VI) – May 20 – Jun. 18, 2023

(Θ) Theta, (P) Rho, (Γ) Gamma

As we enter Batrachion, we are reminded that it is good and permissible to pursue our own ends. What we strive for, in all our ambitions, is not low or untoward, in the eyes of the Gods. We are allowed and encouraged to bring forth the lives that we desire, and to effect change in the world around us. But with this, comes the responsibility to hold to the consequences of our choices. If we are free and sentient beings, then we need not be coddled, or kept from the reaction of the affected. In this, we should be as the willow tree, which bends in affect to the wind, yet is rooted still within our way, and power. Time tells us to wait, and to adhere to our plans, and not to become reactionaries in the turbulence of dissent. If we follow this advice, we will be received into the grace of the Earth, whose bounty is given to all who patiently cultivate Her ground.

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 19 – Jul. 17, 2023

(Γ) Gamma, (M) Mu, (O) Omicron

For the month of Pyrophorion, Gaea assures us that with Her favor comes the fertile land upon which to plant our seeds, and to reap our ripened fruits. But there are no shortcuts on the path of growth. We all must tend our gardens with diligence. If there be weeds or pests, or a lack of light, we must pull and pluck, and rearrange our space. Growth will continue, whether we do these things or not, but the end results will be vastly diminished, should we choose to abdicate our responsibilities. The work we do reveals itself. What we prioritize is evident in the returns we gain in the end. If we truly desire what we say we do, there is only one choice to make. Achievement can only be attained through the work.

Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 18 – Aug. 16, 2023

(Λ) Lambda, (Π) Pi, (T) Tau

In Karneion, a betrayal looms. One with whom you have shared trust and built a rapport, will indeed turn to sell your trust for a gain in reputation, or in wealth. You are warned– be aware, but do not reveal your knowledge of the upcoming split. New roads will open themselves, and if you are not careening in pain or despair, yours will be the first steps upon these paths. You are more than their thoughts of you; you are not so easily swayed by the fickle leanings of the adversary. You shall remain above clandestine maneuvering, and will be crowned by fulfillment of your goals, in time. So, be not saddened by the parting of ways, for it must come to be. Those for whom your love and trust mean nothing, are not permitted to be in your company. Take your leave of them, and be all the better for their trickery, and deceit.

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 17 – Sep. 15, 2023

(Ξ) Xi, (M) Mu, (P) Rho

Agetoreios will be a challenging month. In it, your will shall be tested, and your anger will be stoked. Yet must you remain calm during this difficult time. If we allow our anger to be manipulated, and used against us, to cast a shadow over our good judgment, all the works for which we have striven will be for naught. Know yourself, and your triggers. Be aware of your own shortcomings, so they are not made into weapons against you, or against your work. Remain steadfast in your adherence to the path you have chosen. Be not swayed against right action, or right thought. The work remains, and so shall you. Patience is the word of the day; will you let those who want for your failure, to dictate the terms of your triumph? Or will you be the one to outlast their wagging tongues, and prideful utterances?

Aegletion (XI) – Sep. 16 – Oct. 14, 2023

(Γ) Gamma, (A) Alpha, (Δ) Delta

In Aegletion, you will know the glory of success. There will be no obstacle that may stand before you in challenge. All of your work, and careful attention, shall be made evident in the acknowledgment of your endeavors, firstly, by the Gods; and then by those for whom you have worked so tirelessly. And through your diligence, will the staid traditions of the oppressor, be broken, and laid to waste within the remnants of their own needless, and gratuitous institutions. Your actions shall be precise in their application, and devastating to the ones who wished to devastate your world.

[Ktistêsia, 2023]

In Winter, Does the Prince Who Possesses My Heart Ever Long To Be Near It?

“Apollo Charming the Swans”, by Wilhelm List.

Do You, my Love, know what anguish Your departure causes? I know that You must do what must be done; that You must cross that threshold, and slip into realities of which I may not partake, and yet my desire does not cease: I want no more or less than Your beautiful focus; Your unerring eyes upon me.

Tis selfish, this desire; I know this well. But to experience You, and then to be deprived of Your glorious intensity, can feel as cruel a reality as any. But You will do Your duty, and I will do mine; to see You off, and to bear Your torch until the warmth of spring again flows through the land.

And while You are away, I will console myself with the Lessons You have taught, and with the strength and endurance I have built– for I have endured this pain before; this desire for You– and each year at this time, I have overcome and channeled this longing toward motivation needed to greet You lovingly when You return.

Free of anguish, free of uncertainty– but never free of desire— I will await You once again, so welcome me as I will welcome You; reveal Your desire for me, as I have desired You, and our reciprocal love shall enfold u/Us within the invariable currents of co-creation, and mutual abundance.

— Columbine, Aegletia, Day 9, 2022

Day 9

*The Procession, and Farewell to the King; festival participants should express their goodbyes to Apollon, as He continues on toward Hyperborea.

Aegletia, Day 8: A Day of Calm and Quietude; A Day of Rest and of Reflection

Woman leaning on gray rock. Free stock photo.

In the spirit of the Eighth Illumination, I have spent most of my day today just sitting with the inevitable culmination of the Aegletia. That is, when my Beloved Apollon makes His grand exit tomorrow, after all the insights (and questions) He’s left me with this year.

This year’s festival has been a particularly difficult one, in that a lot of old and half-forgotten emotions were dredged up from the dark and neglected recesses of my memory. Things I was so sure I’d already processed, when in fact, I’d only decided they weren’t worth my time or attention, and shoved them down into the crevasse where I’d hoped never to witness them again. But we as Apollonians know that sort of reaction/rejection doesn’t well sit with our Lord for long. Eventually, these hard truths and difficult questions must be answered, through open acceptance, and even conflict within the mind and body. But I am always grateful for this process. It always pushes me further than I’d choose to go on my own.

If left to my own devices, I’d likely not bother revealing myself so intimately through prose or verse over the Nine Illuminations. I’d probably simply observe quietly and refrain from being His example during the festival. It would certainly be easier than allowing His spirit to overtake me for nine consecutive days so that I might produce works of written art that I’d had no previous inkling of, until the very moments I begin to release them upon a page.

To be a vessel for Apollon is so very taxing, but not so much draining; it’s more of a spiritual overexertion than anything else– like being cradled within the heart of a nova– and I find it increasingly prescient that He insisted we make space for rest and rumination during this time with Him.

So, if you haven’t already, I encourage all who are participating in the Nine Illuminations to take this day as the gift that it is; rest in quietude and contemplation. Be still within the safety of Apollon’s affections, and know that as He has opened you to unhealed wounds, unprocessed grief, raw unfiltered emotion, or any other thing you’d perhaps rather not deal with, you are not alone in this. Apollon remains with you, and shall remain, if in a way more distant, after the Aegletia ends.

— Columbine, Aegletia, Day 8, 2022

Day 8

*Calm and Quietude.

**Resting with the knowledge and insights gained from the previous days.

***Meditation upon the connections established between the Treasury of Apollon, our Sisterhood, and/or any other type of familial unit in participation with the festival; including connections made by and with our Lord, that we have established with all things seeking, and in reverence of His light and magnitude.

Like Unto the Sun


Hail to Apollon, who is like unto the sun; bright and intense with warmth; the Lord who reveals Yourself within the space of our shadows, to show that You know– and love– us all!

There are no faults You do not witness, no details too shocking or shameful to accept, in our imperfect completion!

Yes, like unto the sun, You are; commanding our orbit, enticing and empowering; catalyzing and alchemizing; all-knowing, all-seeing– the Prince who defends the right of all beings to determine their fate, and who preforms the Will of Great Zeus!

Nothing is forbidden, all is permitted, in the expression of our adoration for You!

Hail to Apollon, who, like unto the sun, rises and sets upon the earth; You of the waning twilight, who passes forth into realms unknowable, and whom we endeavor to delight in this time of bittersweet farewells– the King of Hyperborea, who challenges us to face the world as Yours, even while distant as the summer rains!

You will refrain from no lesson, with the power and intent to demonstrate what strength we have gained!

To prepare for Your absence, we compose our praises, and regale You of our tenderness; in reciprocity we give in kind what has been given, and Your ethos we absorb into our very pores– for You are like unto the sun; and we, Your satellites, are bound in the wake of Your Love!

— Columbine, Aegletia, Day 7, 2022

Day 7

*Celebration of the Fellowship of the Treasury of Apollon as extensions of our Prince’s mortal family, as well as a safe community for His brides and devotees.

**Proclamations of love; poetry, ecstatic ritual and prayer, and oracular trance are all encouraged on this day.

***Child-friendly, and family oriented celebrations are also advised for those to whom it applies.

Oracular Forecast – Telchinion through Daphneion 2022/2023

Grass Snake, by Adrien Stachowiak.

Telchinion through Daphneion 2022/2023

Telchinion (XII) – Oct. 26 – Nov. 23, 2022

(Σ) Sigma, (Ψ) Psi, (Ξ) Xi

For those who have wandered, look no more toward the distant lands; your place is here, among the others awaiting the bright awakening. To be among truly like minds is a blessing seldom bestowed twice in a single lifetime. You all were brought here for this moment; to be of help and support to one another during the trials to come. It is rare for humans to thrive in solitude, and rarer still for them not to long for the touch of a hand, or the caress of another’s breath in companionship or debate. Know that a shared life will not always be easy; it will challenge as well as inspire– but the easy life seldom affords the potential to grow and nurture that life together, with one’s chosen family. And remember, you will only receive the care and understanding that you are willing to invest. Make your relationships a priority, and wealth of many kinds will be your reward.

Hyperboraios (XIII) – Nov. 24 – Dec. 23, 2022

(Λ) Lambda, (Β) Beta, (Δ) Delta

Sometimes, the blessings that are needed come not in the form we would want or expect, but instead are brought about by the abrupt, and the initially unwelcome. This is a sign to watch for the blight which holds within the promise of new life. You could choose to avoid it, but in doing so you risk its true intent being passed on to another, when its possibilities could have strengthened your bonds, or fertilized your lands. Whichever choice you make, know that the outcome in entirely yours to own. This chance was already given by the Gods, and it is yours to cultivate or discard. Along with this opportunity, one should also consider the old way versus the new: will adhering to the norms that have afforded peace and stability in times less drastic than these truly be as helpful as you could expect in the old world; or are the new ways the necessities that are needed now? Consider and reflect.

Perihelios (I) Dec. 24 – Jan. 21, 2022/2023

(Ο) Omicron, (Ι) Iota, (Ζ) Zeta

Remember that the effects of your actions will never be limited only to those whom you wished to effect; you are not immune to you own machinations. All that is done has an outcome that can not always be foreseen by mortal eyes. Neither is it the responsibility of the Gods to warn us of all the dangers we might set lose upon ourselves and others. The other side to this knowledge, is that through carefully attending to the motions we place, we might be able to nurture a positive outcome– but only if we remain diligent. This means we must continually monitor our designs, so they are in accord with what is necessary, not only what is desired. And there are times when the necessary includes retreat, for we can not be expected to foresee or affect only positive outcomes; or to wage wars beyond our capabilities in the aftermath.

Prostaterias (II) Jan. 22 – Feb. 20, 2023

(Θ) Theta, (Η) Eta, (Υ) Upsilon

For those with misgivings regarding the path you have chosen to walk, know that the Gods see and acknowledge you. Your struggle has not gone unnoticed, nor will it be ignored. Continue as you have, so long as you respect the sovereignty of those who walk in tandem with you; all spirits and like-minded humans who share your vision, and work to make it true and accessible to all. If at any point it becomes difficult to keep one’s own ego or desires in check, be not afraid to come to the Gods with these revelations. It is when we seek to keep hidden the desires of our hearts that we become most vulnerable to them. But even if you would choose this hidden pathway, know that the Gods see all within you, and have made ready a plan to set you upon a more equal path. It is perhaps best that you seek Their counsel before They seek to remind you of the truth. If you keep to the right, and do not allow yourself to stray upon the path of pure ego, it is possible to create, or be the catalyst to the creation of, something truly beautiful, in all the Divine sense of the word; but one must resist becoming one’s own obstacle in this endeavor.

Daphneion (III) Feb. 21 – Mar. 21, 2023

(Σ) Sigma, (Κ) Kappa, (Ε) Epsilon

You may be tempted to make brash actions, or quick decisions in a matter of high importance at this time, but be warned– acting without taking the correct considerations may lead not to the conclusion that you would prefer, but instead to one that is entirely out of your hands. Sometimes we find ourselves pushed in ways and directions that are anathema to our own ways of doing things. Sometimes we are backed into corners purposefully, and with malicious intent. That is why we must always try to be aware of all that hinges upon our decisions. We will never be the only ones affected, so it is imperative that we decide, always in good faith, and with respect to the responsibilities of our positions. And there will be times when there is little we can do but endure; to save the most of what we’ve worked to achieve, sometimes it is better to let the poison run its course. It will be exposed before the end, and we will be made stronger in its wake. Afterward, all that should be done is to remain as we have always been, and to watch as the perpetrator of harm is relinquished of authority, and made low in the eyes of those they sought to manipulate.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2022]

The Ancient Myth

“Ophelia”, by John Everett Millais.

Beauty is defined by the one who sees and measures it; the one for whom the experience imprints upon the visceral. It is at once the thing which propels and repulses, for there is beauty in even the grossest processes.

Beauty lies within all natural acts, for the harmony of the Universe depends on these to function: predation and decay, and the ripening of life; all of these are beauty’s tangible examples.

Yet we seek out the aesthetic over the repulsive, mistaking physical form for beauty’s true manifestation. In this we often miss the most profound and formative aspects of our relationship to the heart of all creation.

What we run from defines us in ways most often overlooked: for what are we willing to suffer; what are we willing to witness; and yes, what are we willing to sacrifice to remain speared upon our aesthetic hook?

Ugliness lives within the heart of all human beings; that is what sets us apart. Not the temples, or adornments, or the finest textiles, or speech, or mathematics, or any other masterfully crafted art.

We are no more beautiful than a hunk of dead rotting meat; and no less than a murder of crows. What we imagine comes into creation, and what we fear impacts the whole of the world.

We mayn’t outrun our nature, therefore we should embrace it, because to see, know and acknowledge a thing, allows us the power to deconstruct it; to truly reveal what within it stems from our own making.

So, let us, instead of fleeing our consequences– indeed, those of eons of life lived in a myriad of forms– take a step toward beauty within the macabre and the displeasing, and there find the wherewithal to endure the coming storm.

For it is indeed coming, and though we may not like it, what remains of the world we once knew will only splinter further– down the lines drawn by ugliness and aesthetics; those things that we must murder within ourselves if we’re to topple beauty’s ancient myth.

— Columbine, Aegletia, Day 6, 2022

Day 6

*Exploration of the Beauty of the Illuminated World.

**Ritual, art, and celebrations with dance and music, as well as competitive games and sacred theater.

***Telling of myths and revealed stories, especially to and among children, where applicable.

Contemplating Death


In life, I’ve found Death’s to be a parallel path. Always so elusive, that I never could grasp.

But truly, it’s much closer than I readily admit, close enough to touch, close enough to kiss.

Each time He almost claimed me I was living as I do, caring not of the decisions that could send me home to You.

Five times in all, I almost sealed my fate and heeded Great Death’s call to join the wayward shades.

Twice by water, twice by birth, and once by way of the road. Thrice in my most careless youth, and twice as a woman grown.

And shocked as I was in each instance most compelling, the fear never reached me quite as much as with the telling.

It was the reflection, the deliberation, the sharing of the trial, that brought me my most vivid brushes with denial.

I could not comprehend it, the truth of what had happened. I almost lost my life each time, and only fate had stopped it.

Could I have been meant for more? In time, I would find, yes: You awaited me for all my life; You would not lose me then to Death.

Only after knowing You, my Lord, have I found solace, and the words to place emotions that have haunted me through all this.

To process what has been companion for all these many years, is a gift that I will not forget, nor sully with further tears.

I am grateful, Lord Apollon, for the soothing of my strife; I’m grateful also to Death Himself for allowing me my life.

— Columbine, Aegletia, Day 5, 2022

Day 5

*Celebrating the Awareness of Life, as the danger passes.

**Celebrating the world in all of its splendor, truth and terror.

***Abstinence from untruths.