Oracular Forecasts, Current and Past

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2024

Theoxenion (IV) – Mar. 11 – Apr. 8, 2024

(H) Eta, (B) Beta, (Π) Pi

In Theoxenion, we are told to keep ourselves in check, and to be mindful of our thoughts, which may lead us to stray away from right action. None of us are exempt from negative thoughts. Yet, always, it is how we process those thoughts which matter most. When feeling overwhelmed, we should remember that the life-giving Gods are a source of strength and inspiration. Reaching out to Them shows a level of strength and maturity that we all should cultivate in times of hardship, or stress. Their Presence alleviates many ailments, and with Them, we may find our focus. Never should we run from what is difficult, but instead should face it. But we need not face it alone.

Pytheion (V) – Apr. 9 – May 8, 2024

(Γ) Gamma, (Ξ) Xi, (Z) Zeta

For Pytheion, we are reminded that we always receive what is due to us. If we have spent our days showering goodness upon our friends and loved ones, then goodness is what is due. If, however, we have instead sown deceit or discord among those in our closest vicinity, or beyond, then we are due to pay a heavy price for the mismanagement of our emotions, and the resulting misdeeds. None can expect to reap rewards where we have only sown salt and ashes. If you can walk away from the source of your troubles, then do so. Remaining to fight or argue a losing case, especially when it is obvious that you are in the wrong, is not a hill anyone should be willing to die on.

Batrachion (VI) – May 9 – Jun. 6, 2024

(Ψ) Psi, (B) Beta, (M) Mu

Listen, for in Batrachion you have been given the decree! This is the right and just decision of the Many Gods– take heed, or do not– but know that it is set in motion! There will come a time when assistance is needed. Do not labor too long in thought before petitioning Apollon. Timing is paramount, and with Him at your back, flinging His many arrows into the obstacles that have placed themselves before you, you will find that reaching your goal is not only possible, but imminent. Yet remain aware that this triumph is your own, and as such, the real work of achieving it is your own, as well. Apollon will only assist in this undertaking. You must be the tenacious one, who spearheads the endeavor.

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 7 – Jul. 5, 2024

(Ω) Omega, (I) Iota, (B) Beta

Pyrophorion is sure to be difficult. It may seem as though all the world conspires against you, or that nothing you do gains traction. Refrain from succumbing to such negative assumptions. There are always reasons for the circumstances we find ourselves in, and they usually do not include conspiracies. Most cause and effect is out of our control, and thus, like leaves blowing in the wind, we must try to gain purchase on whatever surface we land upon. Once there, it is our responsibility to build what we need to thrive. The vision is ours, and we are the only ones who can see it through. This is the work of all life– to carve out an existence, and to leave a mark on this world that the next generations can build upon. Pray to, petition, and give sweet offerings to the Gods, for Their Hand hovers over your life and livelihood.

Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 6 – Aug. 4, 2024

(X) Khi, (B) Beta, (M) Mu

Karneion is when your rewards first begin to take shape. You have worked diligently for these ends, and have cultivated an ethic of grace and fortitude. This outcome is not happenstance, nor is it solely luck. You have built this result from your own sweat and toil. It is yours to claim, and so are the related accolades. Pride is not always vanity, and there are times to be rightly proud of one’s accomplishments. But, give to the Gods what belongs to the Gods: you were not alone in this, and the Theoi are ever to be acknowledged. An appropriate sacrifice is in order– to keep the balance. And never should it be forgotten, that hard work and perseverance are what wins the day, by the Grace of the Gods.

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 5 – Sep. 3, 2024

(A) Alpha, (M) Mu, (Φ) Phi

In Agetoreios, you were blessed with a smooth start, and many resources. The ability to achieve what you set out to achieve is before you. However, so is a desire to forego the necessary work. Success is not served up on a silver platter, and achievement is not a given. One may not refuse to put forth the effort, then blame the Gods, or others, when the reach falls short of the goal. We must own our mistakes, just as we own our accomplishments. Just as pride is not always vanity, humility is not always debasement. Know that when you misstep, (and you are allowed to misstep– we all make mistakes) you can and should course-correct.

Lykeion (X) – Sep. 4 – Oct. 2, 2024

(Y) Upsilon, (M) Mu, (A) Alpha

You have had the best interest of yourself and those near to you at the heart of your actions for some time. Therefore, in Lykeion, you are reminded that seeking the path of good, leads to the noblest of self-actualization: to be like unto the Gods. Keep yourself on the difficult path, for it alone reveals you in your finery– the potential seen by the Many Gods. Be always willing to stand for the right, and defend those weaker than yourself. This is the never-ending toil, the great and Divine undertaking. If you would model yourself in the likeness of a God– to reach for Their Pinnacle– you must, at least, be willing to serve your fellow man. In so doing, you fulfill your purpose, and achieve what so many profess to strive for, but never truly attain: Nobility.

Aegletion (XI) – Oct. 3 – Nov. 1, 2024

(Σ) Sigma, (Y) Upsilon, (M) Mu

In Aegletion, you are to remain. This is the ground upon which you have labored. It is the cradle of the community you have loved and guided. You are advised to remain, and to allow the apparatus you have built to do what is intended. You needn’t enter the fray, but be a source of solace, and of inspiration to those whose work is parallel to your own. This is the beauty of purpose: when we follow it, we need not expend more energy than a situation warrants– and when we are secure in our purpose, that security bolsters others. To dwell within the truth of oneself is a noble pursuit. And this smoothness, this lack of resistance, is what all the previous toil was meant to facilitate. We work hard, and in turn, our work makes the lives we touch easier– including our own.

[Ktistêsia, 2024]

Telchinion through Daphneion 2023/2024

Telchinion (XII) – Oct. 15 – Nov. 13, 2023

(M) Mu, (Z) Zeta, (E) Eta

In Telchinion, if you thought the way was easy, or that it was a time to wind down, thinking that the trials were behind you, now you must rethink that assessment. There is much work to be done, some of it tedious, but all of it necessary. This is the work that shapes you, as in individual, and helps to pave the way for the future of many, not only those in your direct care. Take your role seriously, and the seriousness of your actions will reveal what is known to the Gods. In doing this work, be not distracted by what is loud or combative. It is best to keep distance between yourself and a raging storm. Doing otherwise risks you being pulled into traumas that are not your own to process. Do what you know is correct, and the course before you shall remain clear. That which seeks only to destroy what it has not itself built, will be done in by the very forces it seeks to wield, in bad faith. Walk forward, and look only ahead toward the clearing that Helios’ rays have opened for you.

Hyperboraios (XIII) – Nov. 14 – Dec. 12, 2023

(O) Omicron, (M) Mu, (Γ) Gamma

In Hyperboraios, remember that what you put forth is what will return. All that you do and work toward, whether it be for a greater good, or for an aim bordering upon transgression, is known among the Immortal Gods, and They will arrive to set the balance. Let this be a warning against the chattering of idleness, and against more sinister ills. You are better to set your thoughts and actions toward neutrality, or nobility. Be the person that resides within– just and of good character. Be true to your inward desires, and let not the base judgments of intrusive onlookers dictate your actions, or reactions. This too, is necessary work. So long as you remain on the path that is true to your heart and soul, there are no obstacles that can deter you. And for your steadfast awareness, Gaea shall bestow a bountiful harvest.

Perihelios (I) Dec. 13 – Jan. 11, 2023/2024

(Ω) Omega, (Φ) Phi, (T) Tau

Be aware that during Perihelios, as the New Year begins, there will come several unsavory pathways, branching onto dividing lines of succession. None of these will be ideal, and there is no option to abstain. Sometimes life is not fair, and making the best of bad situations means accepting the concequences of our actions. There will be setbacks, drawbacks, and grasping too early the ends once hoped for. They will not be as imagined, yet they must be taken as they are. It will be all too easy to attempt assigning blame to luck, or to chance, but the truth is, that no matter the hand chance deals, all the decisions from that point on, are your own. Do not blame others for what can readily be explained by your choices, even if uninformed– especially if uninformed. Accept reality, and move forward with care. The aftermath of this trial may be even more difficult to cope with, as you will likely find yourself at a crossroads. Will you cleave to inclusion that no longer supports you, leaving yourself open to being culled from a group of no longer like-mind? Or will you sever ties yourself, that have outgrown their usefulness to all parties, thus taking control of your fate, and opening the eyes of others involved? In either scenario, there will be an ending of association.

Prostaterias (II) Jan. 12 – Feb. 9, 2024

(Δ) Delta (Η) Eta, (Φ) Phi

For Prostaterias, the reminder is that power corrupts. Those in positions of power should take heed in this month. Do not aim your sword at the weak, or marginalized. Do not lord over your constituents haughtily. Do not take or co-opt of the labors of others, and do not needlessly bellow your supposed superiority. All these are paths to ruin, and the fall from so far a height is bound to be cataclysmic. Those who disdain this warning from the Deathless Gods shall not achieve the aims they so recklessly pursue. There will be no quarter given when the balance comes due. You are seen. Your actions, and indeed your deepest heart-truths, are recorded. Helios will strip away the outer beauty– the facade– and the underlying rot will be revealed. And after this is done, in the contemptuous tirade of one relieved of their power by the Light of Truth, the one so relieved, will curse the uncurseable, thus sealing themselves within a cycle of hubris– for they will refuse to see how they brought this end upon themselves. Be not like them, but like unto the Gods, and seek Truth, even when it reveals you disfavorably, and when it discomforts your curated image.

Daphneion (III) Feb. 10 – Mar. 10, 2024

(T) Tau, (H) Eta, (Π) Pi

Daphneion declares that you have outgrown a comfortable and familiar space. Whether this space exists within you, or without, is yours to discover. It is now time to act, and to move in ways that will promote the growth of your ideals or worldview. Stagnancy is anathema to what Apollon represents. We who are beloved of Him, must at all times challenge our notions of comfort, and be ready to pull away from long-loved conveniences if they no longer serve our higher purpose; or to embrace new and difficult pursuits if those are what are needed in the present time. You must bathe within the Light, and let it wash away the shadows of past desires. You must be seen. When all this is accomplished, you will begin to understand what gears needed turning to lead you in the current direction. And this direction is where you need to be, in order to claim the prize of an opened and enlightened mind, upon a journey of self-discovery. You have left your previous self behind, and have come to know yourself, presently. Be present.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2023]

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2023

Theoxenion (IV) – Mar. 22 – Apr. 20, 2023

(N) Nu, (Π) Pi, (B) Beta

In the month of Theoxenion, it is revealed that new responsibilities will soon rest on your shoulders. These are given in response to your mastery of life’s many trials, and all the ways in which you have overcome the turbulence of years and situations past. These responsibilities will not easily be mastered, and will indeed push you to your depths, and your limits, yet must you carry on through adversity. Struggle is the way of the world, the way of all life, and that which compels us all forward toward new heights and grand accomplishments. Do not cease. Continue, and fortune will ever be within your reach. Our Lord favors the successes of His people, and so long as we implement the strategies revealed to us, and utilize all the gifts given to us, He will remain steadfast in His assistance. But remember, His is to aid, not to begin, or to complete– that is ours alone to accomplish.

Pytheion (V) – Apr. 21 – May 19, 2023

(Ψ) Psi, (K) Kappa, (B) Beta

In Pytheion, you are to bide your time. Do not overstretch yourself, or take on more than is necessary, for there are unseen plans unfolding within the design of the Gods. Build roads and bridges. Shore up strength, and tend to the vulnerable in your midst. But do not attempt to face head-on, the wave cresting overhead. There are many things which can only be ridden passively, and never tamed through will. We brace for the inevitable; we do not try to alter its course. In so doing, we may again reap the reward of obedience to Apollon’s will for us. Through Him, we are shown the ways of triumph, and of patience.

Batrachion (VI) – May 20 – Jun. 18, 2023

(Θ) Theta, (P) Rho, (Γ) Gamma

As we enter Batrachion, we are reminded that it is good and permissible to pursue our own ends. What we strive for, in all our ambitions, is not low or untoward, in the eyes of the Gods. We are allowed and encouraged to bring forth the lives that we desire, and to effect change in the world around us. But with this, comes the responsibility to hold to the consequences of our choices. If we are free and sentient beings, then we need not be coddled, or kept from the reaction of the affected. In this, we should be as the willow tree, which bends in affect to the wind, yet is rooted still within our way, and power. Time tells us to wait, and to adhere to our plans, and not to become reactionaries in the turbulence of dissent. If we follow this advice, we will be received into the grace of the Earth, whose bounty is given to all who patiently cultivate Her ground.

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 19 – Jul. 17, 2023

(Γ) Gamma, (M) Mu, (O) Omicron

For the month of Pyrophorion, Gaea assures us that with Her favor comes the fertile land upon which to plant our seeds, and to reap our ripened fruits. But there are no shortcuts on the path of growth. We all must tend our gardens with diligence. If there be weeds or pests, or a lack of light, we must pull and pluck, and rearrange our space. Growth will continue, whether we do these things or not, but the end results will be vastly diminished, should we choose to abdicate our responsibilities. The work we do reveals itself. What we prioritize is evident in the returns we gain in the end. If we truly desire what we say we do, there is only one choice to make. Achievement can only be attained through the work.

Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 18 – Aug. 16, 2023

(Λ) Lambda, (Π) Pi, (T) Tau

In Karneion, a betrayal looms. One with whom you have shared trust and built a rapport, will indeed turn to sell your trust for a gain in reputation, or in wealth. You are warned– be aware, but do not reveal your knowledge of the upcoming split. New roads will open themselves, and if you are not careening in pain or despair, yours will be the first steps upon these paths. You are more than their thoughts of you; you are not so easily swayed by the fickle leanings of the adversary. You shall remain above clandestine maneuvering, and will be crowned by fulfillment of your goals, in time. So, be not saddened by the parting of ways, for it must come to be. Those for whom your love and trust mean nothing, are not permitted to be in your company. Take your leave of them, and be all the better for their trickery, and deceit.

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 17 – Sep. 15, 2023

(Ξ) Xi, (M) Mu, (P) Rho

Agetoreios will be a challenging month. In it, your will shall be tested, and your anger will be stoked. Yet must you remain calm during this difficult time. If we allow our anger to be manipulated, and used against us, to cast a shadow over our good judgment, all the works for which we have striven will be for naught. Know yourself, and your triggers. Be aware of your own shortcomings, so they are not made into weapons against you, or against your work. Remain steadfast in your adherence to the path you have chosen. Be not swayed against right action, or right thought. The work remains, and so shall you. Patience is the word of the day; will you let those who want for your failure, to dictate the terms of your triumph? Or will you be the one to outlast their wagging tongues, and prideful utterances?

Aegletion (XI) – Sep. 16 – Oct. 14, 2023

(Γ) Gamma, (A) Alpha, (Δ) Delta

In Aegletion, you will know the glory of success. There will be no obstacle that may stand before you in challenge. All of your work, and careful attention, shall be made evident in the acknowledgment of your endeavors, firstly, by the Gods; and then by those for whom you have worked so tirelessly. And through your diligence, will the staid traditions of the oppressor, be broken, and laid to waste within the remnants of their own needless, and gratuitous institutions. Your actions shall be precise in their application, and devastating to the ones who wished to devastate your world.

[Ktistêsia, 2023]

Telchinion through Daphneion 2022/2023

Telchinion (XII) – Oct. 26 – Nov. 23, 2022

(Σ) Sigma, (Ψ) Psi, (Ξ) Xi

For those who have wandered, look no more toward the distant lands; your place is here, among the others awaiting the bright awakening. To be among truly like minds is a blessing seldom bestowed twice in a single lifetime. You all were brought here for this moment; to be of help and support to one another during the trials to come. It is rare for humans to thrive in solitude, and rarer still for them not to long for the touch of a hand, or the caress of another’s breath in companionship or debate. Know that a shared life will not always be easy; it will challenge as well as inspire– but the easy life seldom affords the potential to grow and nurture that life together, with one’s chosen family. And remember, you will only receive the care and understanding that you are willing to invest. Make your relationships a priority, and wealth of many kinds will be your reward.

Hyperboraios (XIII) – Nov. 24 – Dec. 23, 2022

(Λ) Lambda, (Β) Beta, (Δ) Delta

Sometimes, the blessings that are needed come not in the form we would want or expect, but instead are brought about by the abrupt, and the initially unwelcome. This is a sign to watch for the blight which holds within the promise of new life. You could choose to avoid it, but in doing so you risk its true intent being passed on to another, when its possibilities could have strengthened your bonds, or fertilized your lands. Whichever choice you make, know that the outcome in entirely yours to own. This chance was already given by the Gods, and it is yours to cultivate or discard. Along with this opportunity, one should also consider the old way versus the new: will adhering to the norms that have afforded peace and stability in times less drastic than these truly be as helpful as you could expect in the old world; or are the new ways the necessities that are needed now? Consider and reflect.

Perihelios (I) Dec. 24 – Jan. 21, 2022/2023

(Ο) Omicron, (Ι) Iota, (Ζ) Zeta

Remember that the effects of your actions will never be limited only to those whom you wished to effect; you are not immune to you own machinations. All that is done has an outcome that can not always be foreseen by mortal eyes. Neither is it the responsibility of the Gods to warn us of all the dangers we might set lose upon ourselves and others. The other side to this knowledge, is that through carefully attending to the motions we place, we might be able to nurture a positive outcome– but only if we remain diligent. This means we must continually monitor our designs, so they are in accord with what is necessary, not only what is desired. And there are times when the necessary includes retreat, for we can not be expected to foresee or affect only positive outcomes; or to wage wars beyond our capabilities in the aftermath.

Prostaterias (II) Jan. 22 – Feb. 20, 2023

(Θ) Theta, (Η) Eta, (Υ) Upsilon

For those with misgivings regarding the path you have chosen to walk, know that the Gods see and acknowledge you. Your struggle has not gone unnoticed, nor will it be ignored. Continue as you have, so long as you respect the sovereignty of those who walk in tandem with you; all spirits and like-minded humans who share your vision, and work to make it true and accessible to all. If at any point it becomes difficult to keep one’s own ego or desires in check, be not afraid to come to the Gods with these revelations. It is when we seek to keep hidden the desires of our hearts that we become most vulnerable to them. But even if you would choose this hidden pathway, know that the Gods see all within you, and have made ready a plan to set you upon a more equal path. It is perhaps best that you seek Their counsel before They seek to remind you of the truth. If you keep to the right, and do not allow yourself to stray upon the path of pure ego, it is possible to create, or be the catalyst to the creation of, something truly beautiful, in all the Divine sense of the word; but one must resist becoming one’s own obstacle in this endeavor.

Daphneion (III) Feb. 21 – Mar. 21, 2023

(Σ) Sigma, (Κ) Kappa, (Ε) Epsilon

You may be tempted to make brash actions, or quick decisions in a matter of high importance at this time, but be warned– acting without taking the correct considerations may lead not to the conclusion that you would prefer, but instead to one that is entirely out of your hands. Sometimes we find ourselves pushed in ways and directions that are anathema to our own ways of doing things. Sometimes we are backed into corners purposefully, and with malicious intent. That is why we must always try to be aware of all that hinges upon our decisions. We will never be the only ones affected, so it is imperative that we decide, always in good faith, and with respect to the responsibilities of our positions. And there will be times when there is little we can do but endure; to save the most of what we’ve worked to achieve, sometimes it is better to let the poison run its course. It will be exposed before the end, and we will be made stronger in its wake. Afterward, all that should be done is to remain as we have always been, and to watch as the perpetrator of harm is relinquished of authority, and made low in the eyes of those they sought to manipulate.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2022]

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2022

Theoxenion (IV) – Apr. 2 – Apr. 30, 2022

(Θ) Theta, (Π) Pi, (X) Khi

Now is the time to act, the time to embrace the destiny that we may have overlooked, or been intimidated by, in the past. This is a time for action and for doing what must be done. There is great struggle ahead, that much is clear, yet what is forthcoming is a great accomplishment, and greater still, the celebration. The way is ahead of you. Keep going. All individual paths are leading to the same end. You are not alone in this grave time, and the many, who like you, may be reluctant, hesitant, or afraid, are themselves pushing for an outcome of safety, reconciliation, and strength. This indicates that those who struggle along side you are also doing their part to fulfill their individual destinies. This collective effort is like a gust of Divine wind, hurtling you all forward toward an ultimate, and favorable end. Be also aware of, and on the lookout for, encounters of chance that have a great potential to turn the tide in your favor. All opportunities that are perceived, exist because the Gods turn your heads toward them. Take these opportunities. Capitalize upon them, and do not let them go to waste.

Pytheion (V) – May 1 – May 30, 2022

(M) Mu, (Ω) Omega, (B) Beta

Never cease your toiling. Never be deterred from the work you know is critical to your survival, or continued well-being. No one can persuade you to a course that you do not already seek, and ultimately, the ends of your struggle are up to you to achieve. The work is difficult, tedious, long and arduous. It can not be completed in a short-term course, and must be continually tended, in order for the beautiful fruits to ripen. This is a warning to resist the urge to pluck the under-ripe fruits. You must allow the toil to truly set, and the fruit to fully ripen. To harvest before the allotted time, would bring a failed crop too soon to market. But, if you wait, if you bide your time, there will be a moment presented to you, that may potentially shape the result in a way that leads to the furtherance of your goals. But the work is yours to accomplish, always. Though the Gods are with you, and can offer solace and encouragement, They will not fight your battles for you. Only you are the arbiter of your destiny.

Batrachion (VI) – May 31 – Jun. 29, 2022

(H) Eta, (O) Omicron, (I) Iota

Everything that you do and have done, is seen and measured. Though you may at times feel a consuming loneliness, you are not and never were abandoned. Neither are your efforts for naught. All that occurs is recorded in the knowing of the Gods, and those who also see can not deny in their hearts. Words may often fail, but true solidarity lay within action and deed. Support those who support you, and be supported in your turn. Remember that community is a circle, without edges, without points of obstruction. No single point or head is necessary, when the circle is tightly formed. Spread the responsibility, and accept the responsibility. Give, and receive. Next will come a test of commitment. Are you willing to carry your part of the load? Are you able to shoulder that of your neighbor when the struggle becomes more than they can bear without assistance? Stay with them now, and perhaps in the future, they will reciprocate your needs. All that needs knowing, is that the struggle for life never ceases, and neither should you.

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 30 – Jul. 28, 2022

(E) Epsilon, (Ω) Omega, (M) Mu

At this time, a partnership may come into play; a true meeting of minds which propels the goal closer to completion. Take great care in the development of this necessary reality, and all parties will reap the rewards of their input. And remember that all are more than the sum of their parts. What you can do together, united, is far greater that what each could do alone. But you must be in sync, and ready to act as a collective. This may portend a rough and difficult future, but it is also a future of cooperation, which is a beautiful fruit in itself. To that end, be sure that all avenues of union are discussed. Leave nothing on the table that could potentially serve to better the cause for all. Negotiation is a delicate procedure, but never an impossible one. Some concessions will be made in exchange for the hand of friendship, or simple allegiance. This, too, is part of the work necessary.

Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 29 – Aug. 27, 2022

(Γ) Gamma, (M) Mu, (N) Nu

Know that in the end, you will have what you have worked, sweat and bled for. These are the just fruits of all your labors, and they shall be presented to you after all the dust settles, and the ground grows still. This is made possible only by the truth of your ethic, the hard toils, and the many sacrifices made to achieve these ends. Remember what you and others have given for this result to be made possible. Remember also the Gods, who were and are there, every step of the way. And remember also the surreptitious “gift”, that was given, not as a way of help or comfort, but as a means of control, disinformation, or selfish gain. You have turned this “gift” into a boon that the adversary could not anticipate. This is how to take every advantage, how to usurp the power plays made against you, turning them forever in your favor.

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 28 – Sep. 25, 2022

(M) Mu, (Σ) Sigma, (P) Rho

Again, you must never stop working toward the end you seek. Only when you give up do the possibilities cease to move in your favor. You will be prodded continually to end your struggle, but you know that you must not. Gains will become more difficult, but that is because there will be less ground to give, or take. Only by remaining steadfast will the true future be glimpsed, as well as grasped. It may even seem as if an impasse has been reached, yet must you remain– remain, and wait. Patience is required at this time, and through patience, the goal will slide smoothly in your direction. You must outlast the adversary. You must out-wait, in order to outwit. The one who crumbles, will be the one who rushes without thinking– the one whose desire to subdue outweighs all common sense. But you, with patience, will not be that one.

Aegletion (XI) – Sep. 26 – Oct. 25, 2022

(X) Khi, (K) Kappa, (H) Eta

Success will be achieved through endurance. You see the goal before you. It is not out of your hands. It is yours, if only you remain on course. All who have stood with you have seen it approaching. Reach for it together, and never let it go. At times, it will seem as though you are drowning. The undertow will pull you in. But take a deep breath before you go under, and it will sustain you through the arduous descent. And you shall rise once more, upon a glistening shore. When you learn to ride the tide, you will master the sea. And upon that shore, all who know the sun’s light, will be presented with the measure of your toils. There is no stopping, or hiding the truth; we all know this intrinsic fact. And the possibilities that you have hoped for, wished for, fought for; in time, these too will become intrinsic fact.

[Ktistêsia, 2022]

Telchinion through Daphneion 2021/2022

Telchinion (XII) – Nov. 5 – Dec. 4, 2021

(B) Beta, (Γ) Gamma, (A) Alpha

We are not alone– never alone, when Apollon is at the forefront of our minds, and actions. Be quick to defend what is right, and we will always reap justice, in the fields of injustice. We, who do not hesitate to act in right judgement, will gain success beyond our most detailed imaginings, and our voices will not falter, nor fail to rise up, in the sea of lies. Apollon is at our back, always, when we live in accord with His principles, and example. We accomplish so much, when we fear not to stand within the Truth.

Hyperboraios (XIII) – Dec. 5 – Jan. 2, 2021/2022

(Φ) Phi, (A) Alpha, (Z) Zeta

It is easy to overlook problems far out on the horizon. We may not wish to deal with what we know is coming, yet for all our avoidance, we will only reap the danger that may not be escaped. Do not pretend that you do not see it, for it will not disappear simply because you do not wish to confront it. And if we find ourselves in worse circumstances, it will not be because we were not warned. So long as we utilized the tools given to us by the Gods, and do not shirk the responsibility to defend ourselves when trouble brews, we shall win in all conflict. However, we must also accept when flight is necessary– not putting ourselves in the path of affliction is oftentimes a better course of action than having to stay and fight a battle we might not dominate.

Perihelios (I) Jan. 3 – Feb. 1, 2022

(Σ) Sigma, (Δ) Delta, (M) Mu

Do not back down. You will not be bulldozed over by any assailant, so why would you allow them to believe, even for one second, that they will drive you out of your own house? You have built this place from the foundation stone, and are its caretaker. Do not flee the foe, for like a dry branch in the wind, they will snap in half, leaving only you, and bitter dreams carried away, like leaves. Even that which has stood a thousand years, is eroded in the wind, and no institution can withstand the force of Truth, and solidarity. Unjust rules should never be adhered to in right conscience. This labor must be paid, for the betterment of all. Everyone. Even the adversary– for Apollon does not discriminate in the healing arts. Healing and destruction are well met on the path, and so to heal, we must destroy what prevents that healing in the first place.

Prostaterias (II) Feb. 2 – Mar. 2, 2022

(N) Nu, (H) Eta, (O) Omicron

An attempt to sabotage our efforts will come quickly in the month of Prostaterias, but do not weep or worry, for this attempt will not only backfire, but be the catalyst which brings the tower down for good. Only rubble will remain where once a great and festering evil stood. Its pangs shall ring out in the aftermath, and only then will the willfully ignorant understand: there is no fighting Apollon; He bests every foe, as they themselves lay bested in the remnants and debris of their own id and ego. Even if they do not speak of their contempt, it will not be hidden. No one can hide their heart from the Gods. It is seen, and it is known in the light of the Shining Sun. So too must we be prepared to have our hearts be judged, therefor we should purge contempt, so the weight of it does not force us down, as well. We all must be prepared, and to do so, should continue planting seeds of love, peace, justice and strength. These are the efforts for which the adversary’s end is wrought.

Daphneion (III) Mar. 3 – Apr. 1, 2022

(M) Mu, (I) Iota, (E) Epsilon

Keep striving. Only the work will bring the ends we hope for. There are no shortcuts to be had. An easy road may be desirable, but what is desire in the face of success? To want, is to be prepared to achieve, and only through the toil of our hard-won efforts, may we reach the pinnacle of achievement. Yet, there is always more that can and should be done. Will we simply end our striving, and set aside our goals? No. Never. We will keep striving, and working toward what is good, and what is needed in our lives and communities. All of us are responsible for the well-being of our neighbors, and we should all want to leave a world that is more stable and equitable than the one we were born into. Even during adversarial times, we have the strength of our convictions, and of our bodies. If we must be a bulwark against injustice, we will do so, and we will do so gladly. This is the way to ensure the springtime comes again for our people, and the world, itself. We must come together, standing firm, for there is and always has been, enough love and success to be shared amongst the masses.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2021]

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2021

Theoxenion (IV) – Mar. 14 – Apr. 12, 2021

(P) Rho, (K) Kappa, (H) Eta

In the month of Theoxenion, we are asked to cultivate a sense of stillness, and contemplative inner quiet. This will assist us as circumstances turn in unexpected ways. It is not always prudent to act quickly. Sometimes it is necessary to acquit ourselves of the rawest emotions, so they do not stand in opposition to what we must do. Move authentically during this time, for whatever are our motivations, they will be known to the Sun, and all dwelling under His light.

Pytheion (V) – Apr. 13 – May 11, 2021

(Z) Zeta, (Y) Upsilon, (Ψ) Psi

The forecast for Pytheion comes as a warning to keep separate from any strange controversies that may appear over the horizon. These circumstances have noting to do with us, and we should steer clear of any association. It is but a wave of trouble that threatens to sweep away any who accept its invitation. If we should become so mired, endeavor to remain within one’s own element– that for which we strive, individually. Let not lies be what sets the stage for our futures, as the Gods await the outcomes. They desire to witness the collective unmasking.

Batrachion (VI) – May 12 – Jun. 10, 2021

(Λ) Lambda, (E) Epsilon, (Γ) Gamma

Marriages of the mind and of the soul may be in the works for many of us during the month of Batrachion. Partnerships of spirit, as well as those that may be more physically grounded may become more likely, or more available, in this time period. And though these partnerships may burn more quickly than we are used to, embracing and integrating their results is imperative for the next phase of our development. Only through this acceptance and integration will we see the particular gains for which we have long hoped.

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 11 – Jul. 10, 2021

(P) Rho, (Ξ) Xi, (Z) Zeta

For Pyrophorion, we receive not so much a warning, as an alarm. What are we waiting for? Are things not as bad as we could have imagined them in the past? Are we not hurting in ways we’ve long since said we’d never take? Know when to defer, and know when to leave. Know when to hide, and when to disappear. Whatever is keeping us here, know that it is not sustenance. All that is kept within a closed fist, is strangled and lifeless. So, do not remain where the common constant is not love, but strife.

Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 11 – Aug. 8, 2021

(Λ) Lambda, (I) Iota, (Ξ) Xi

Karneion comes baring a double-edged sword. A disruption to the cultivated peace of our surroundings may also reveal a new path– one that we may have previously considered, but was yet unopened to us. Now, the way is open, but other paths have been closed off, in the wake of the destruction. We now have fewer, total, but creative choices still remain. We should also be careful not to rely only on the privilege of having choices. There is action involved with every choice, and if we will not work, we will not thrive.

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 9 – Sep. 7, 2021

(O) Omicron, (I) Iota, (K) Kappa

Agetoreios asks: What soil have we tilled? What seed have we planted? What have we sown for our desire to reap? What have we given to the Earth, and what have we taken? Though a task may be completed, the Work never can be, and you will never master what is meant to master you. Endure. Persevere. Adapt.

Lykeion (X) – Sep. 8 – Oct. 6, 2021

(Z) Zeta, (B) Beta, (O) Omicron

Lykeion tells us to beware open attack from adversaries. They will be bold, and they will be fearless, and this fearlessness will lead them and others to believe they are righteous. Tend not that thought in our hearts, for Apollon does not attend pretenders to righteousness. He attends those with the will to bear Truth, above all else. Keep yourselves under His auspices, and strive for His example, as He sets it. We need not do another thing, not even in our defense, for the wheel of truth turns, no matter what we say.

Aegletion (XI) – Oct. 7 – Nov. 4, 2021

(A) Alpha, (K) Kappa, (B) Beta

What comes to us in Aegletion may be difficult, so the oracle tells us. It may test our patience and our will. It may threaten to break us, and we may be tempted to cower in the face of it. But we must not, because what our Lord, Apollon, has seen and revealed is nothing but our success. Walls and obstacles crumble where Apollon shines, and swifter so if we call to Him! But we have all seen this, and so shall it come to pass….

[Ktistêsia, 2021]

Telchinion through Daphneion 2020/2021

Telchinion (XII) – Oct. 17 – Nov. 15, 2020

(Ξ) Xi, (Λ) Lambda, (Ι) Iota

Anger will not turn those who have wronged us back toward righteousness, so we are warned in the month of Telchinion, not to allow that emotion to overtake or rule us, even as we feel its effects, most plainly. Look always for signs of progress, for they show themselves everywhere. Look even into the results of our failures, as they may reveal new roads, not previously seen. Starting from the beginning can have two effects on the mind. It can either weigh us down in the past, or it can set us free to discover new futures. So be free and begin again. As long as we live and try, we may reach our goal.

Hyperboraios (XIII) – Nov. 16 – Dec. 14, 2020

(Θ) Theta, (Μ) Mu, (Ρ) Rho

In the month of Hyperboraios, the Gods call for individual sacrifices, ordeals, and offerings. These are mandated in exchange for favors previously given, and for advance payment of services yet to be rendered. In this revelation, the obvious is that the Gods are paying attention to our efforts. In so knowing, it becomes imperative that we commit to the work that They are offering. Do not think to skip or overlook this part of the work. A bargain made is a promise, and the Gods hold us always to our promises.

Perihelios (I) Dec. 15 – Jan. 13, 2020/2021

(Δ) Delta, (N) Nu, (Λ) Lambda

In Perihelios, we are reminded of patience. Striking blindly at our foes only results in injuring ourselves and one another. We are encouraged to instead wait, and allow nature to take its course regarding those who would do us harm. Their plans are revealed, and all tyrants fall at the critical time. A miasma descends, bringing the oppressor down with it. Darkness shines like the light, bringing hope. So, seek the good in what is revealed to you, and walk cautiously with the shadow.

Prostaterias (II) Jan. 14 – Feb. 11, 2021

(Π) Pi, (Ω) Omega, (A) Alpha

In Prostaterias, first, know that success is assured. Now, gird your loins and prepare for the battle, because it will be a brutal one, going forward. All that collides with us will resist our will; therefor must we learn to avoid collision. Working within our own parameters, and in concert with the natural cycles which surround us, we may avoid much of the chaos that comes with undue haste. We must slow ourselves down and embrace the pace set forth by necessity. Once we have mastered these lessons, prosperity becomes more than a dream, and rather, the true outcome of our efforts. There is no future for us that is not ripe with joy.

Daphneion (III) Feb. 12 – Mar. 13, 2021

(M) Mu, (E) Epsilon, (N) Nu

During the month of Daphneion, the gains we have made from our labor and perseverance have begun to bloom, and have become apparent to others. At this time it is important to remain wary of newcomers seeking to siphon off our accomplishments. Beware of forced partnerships, and pretty words. Beware also what is planted by conniving hands. Foundations laid in deceit are not stable, and can be upended at any time. An impending disaster will strip away all illusion or pretense. Take what is given, and what is spared, in stride, and move forward, always.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2020]

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2020

Theoxenion (IV) – March 25-April 23, 2020

Epsilon (Ε), Zeta (Ζ), Omega (Ω)

We are eager for the fruits of our labor to come to full fruition, but we must take care not to be reckless or force them to readiness before the time is right. We seek proportions alliances and are eager for their outcomes, for the road we walk is not always easy. Apollon cautions us to avoid spending our energy when we are unsure of the outcome. All things had their time and we should not urge them to an early conclusion.

Pytheion (V) – April 24-May 22, 2020

Gamma (Γ), Lambda (Λ), Pi (Π)

We have passed through many struggles, but now is the time to set aside the grief that the struggles have left us with and work toward the reward that awaits us. Perseverance grants rewards to those who have struggled. We are encouraged to take time to let our hurts heal so that we can move forward and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Batrachion (VI) – May 23-June 21, 2020

Tau (Τ), Rho (Ρ), Psi (Ψ)

We are encouraged to lay down our burdens for a time. The road is soothing out and it is wise to give ourselves time to rest before beginning our work again. Things are beginning to work in our favor, but we need to be at full strength to move forward. Other voices join with Apollon, encouraging us to rest and tend to our own needs before moving forward with our work.

Pyrophorion (VII) – June 22-July 20, 2020

Delta (Δ), Nu (Ν), Upsilon (Υ)

The way becomes smooth as promised, but we are encouraged to keep an eye out for those who try to turn us from our path. We must take care to weigh our decisions before we make them, as some that may seem expedient at first may cause us distress in the future. We are also encouraged to grow the relationships we already have and not seek new ones during this time.

Karneion (VIII) – July 21-August 19, 2020

Ksi/Xi (Ξ), Mu (Μ), Khi (Χ)

Haste is unnecessary, our work comes to fruition and we can safely press on. The goal we have been striving toward in the last months bears fruit, there is no longer any need to rush toward it. Instead we may take joy in our accomplishments and turn our minds toward our future tasks, knowing that our work is moving into its next phase.

Agetoreios (IX) – August 20-September 17, 2020

Nu (Ν), Upsilon (Υ), Omega (Ω)

Our good fortune continues, but we are again warned not to conclude or begin things before their time. We have set a goal and are encouraged to keep working toward it, but not to rush into new things or to move recklessly forward in our work. All things will come in their time.

Aegletion (XI) – September 18-October 16, 2020

Alpha (Α), Gamma (Γ), Lambda (Λ)

Our work continues, labor bears fruit, and we continue to receive encouragement from Apollon. Our goals are not yet reached but we begin to see blossoms form. Our work brings joy to Apollon and we are encouraged to focus on aspects of the work that bring us joy as well.

[Ktistêsia, 2020]

Telchinion through Daphneion 2019/2020

Telchinion (XII) – Oct. 29-Nov. 26, 2019

(X) Khi, (Θ) Theta, (Π) Pi

Continue down the paths we tread, for we are doing our souls’ work, following the true paths laid before us.  We simply must continue.  We must never lose sight of ourselves and our destinies.  What awaits us is sweet, and satisfying.  Apollon, our Lord, and the other Blessed Gods, are with us, having blessed our works, and we should endeavor to live up to Their blessing, by completing our portion of the work before us, as we are charged to do.  The more obstacles we face, the more sure we should be of the choices we’ve made, for these are the trials we must face in order to claim our success.  There will be obstructions, and we will remove them, for they are not so troublesome, lacking the depth to keep us bound.  We do our Lord’s will when we do our own.

Hyperboraios (XIII) – Nov. 27-Dec. 26, 2019

(Γ) Gamma, (Σ) Sigma, (Z) Zeta

All that we do will be remembered.  We need not worry about how we will fare at the end of things, for our harvest will be ripe and bountiful, and all that we deserve.  When encountering hardship, or a simple impasse, make no drastic moves, and hold ourselves with composure.  The Bright One will shine upon all, leaving falsehood open, and vulnerable to the Light of Truth.  Do not turn away from the maelstrom upcoming.  Stand without fear, knowing that justice is our soft shore.  In flight, we may be struck down.  It is better to withstand, and survive.

Perihelios (I) Dec. 27 – Jan. 23, 2019/2020

(I) Iota, (T) Tau, (B) Beta

When in the midst of the grind, keep our goals in sight, and stay primed for success, so that we already know what course of action to take in the event of, thus mitigating the chance of crippling setbacks in the aftermath of such achievement.  Be not idle, therefor the work must continue.  We need not bear witness to the falling away of unnecessary adversaries, for our own endeavors keep us occupied.  Know that we will soon deal only within the frameworks we choose, and build.  Should we feel the need, the Lord of Pytho will hear our petition, yet must we remember that all success is ours to cultivate or subdue, and we must own our final result.

Prostaterias (II) Jan. 24 – Feb. 24, 2020

(Π) Pi, (Ξ) Xi, (B) Beta

Every step brings us closer to our end result, that which we have studied and striven for.  Never cease striving.  Weigh also the cost of pouring resources, whether tangible or intangible, into areas which never lead to a return on the initial investment.  Be honest about whether or not we can, or even want to repair whatever may be broken.  Perhaps it is best to be rid of the thing that hinders or harms.  Again, Pythios declares His assistance, and we are expected to uphold and fulfill our promises.

Daphneion (III) Feb. 25 – Mar. 24, 2020

(Γ) Gamma, (Ξ) Xi, (O) Omicron

A warning, we are given for the month of Daphneion, to not allow ourselves to rest upon the deeds of the past.  What has already occurred, no matter how glorious, no longer serves Apollon to the capacity that He wishes to be served.  Always look forward, keeping in our sights a new endeavor in which to showcase our talents, on His behalf.  Keeping our talents to ourselves does not even serve ourselves properly, and hoarding, even only our own intrinsic wealth, is detrimental to all in our vicinity.  Lastly, we can not expect to receive the best, when our only efforts are of the lowest caliber.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2019]

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2019

Theoxenion (IV) – Apr. 6-May. 4, 2019

(M) Mu (Γ) Gamma, (Ρ) Rho

“You have begun the work, together, as it should be done, each according to her skill and interest.  Continue in this vein.  Do what is necessary to keep your traditions alive.  The Earth, in all Her bounty, cradles you in Her hands, and you shall receive of Her gifts tenfold, but keep the promises you shall make, for they will be forged in blood and ichor.  Strive not to vainglory, even in your beauty, even in your grace.  Humble yourselves in solace of the peace gained through mastery of your own ego.  Your time will come, My swans.”  – Apollon

Pytheion (V) – May. 5-Jun. 3, 2019

(Y) Upsilon, (Δ) Delta, (I) Iota

For the month of Pytheion, we are warned not to allow our work ethic to consume our daily lives and relationships.  There will always be work to be done, and as we are conquering the many fields before us, we may again become consumed with the battles of immediate import.  Yet, we must not walk down the path of self-destruction.  A steady pace, with time allotted for tranquility and normal life, is best.  We do our best work for Him when we are at our best.

Batrachion (VI) – Jun 4-Jul. 2, 2019

(B) Beta, (T) Tau, (A) Alpha

Batrachion is the time to sever ties with all which does not, or no longer, serves a purpose toward our ultimate goals.  Between the words, it is stressed that our work for Apollon, particularly, be considered here.  Those individuals who spread toxicity toward our God(s), or who simply can not abide our existence, for whatever reason, must all be left behind.  Once we have done this, our paths will be opened in ways we have yet thought possible.  And beside us, our Prince shall stand, a guiding force, whose light will shine our way forward.

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jul. 3-Aug. 1, 2019

(Λ) Lambda, (H) Eta, (N) Nu

We must strengthen our defenses in the month of Pyrophorion, for Apollon warns of imminent malicious intent, which shall be focused upon us at this time.  Stay alert and watchful, and know that all deeds done under the Sun, are seen and recorded.  There is no hiding from the Gods.  And when dust is settled, our patience and strength shall be reward enough.

Karneion (VIII) – Aug. 2-Aug. 30, 2019

(M) Mu, (O) Omicron, (Ω) Omega

Karneion may come with a bitter harvest, as the seeds sown by troublemakers in the previous month, though cut down, still leave some residue upon the blade.  We must continue to cleanse ourselves of all ill, and to follow the roads Apollon has paved for us.  What is difficult often offers the most satisfying reward, come the end.  And again, all that is given is what is earned.  Walk in the right, and right shall precede you, in truth.

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 31-Sep. 28, 2019

(Ξ) Xi, (P) Rho, (Π) Pi

We find ourselves waiting in Agetoreios, for that which we have long hoped for, but, is what we have hoped for truly what is best?  If we have waited so long, why has our idleness not been rewarded?  Perhaps it is time to cease waiting, for what is not ready, may never be ready for us.  Our destiny awaits, regardless.  When we accept this, the goal shall become tangible.

Aegletion (XI) – Sep. 29-Oct. 28, 2019

(P) Rho, (Ξ) Xi, (E) Epsilon

In the month of Aegletion, we can see ahead, the fruit of our labors.  We see all the potential, and all that is good within the promises we have made, and kept.  We may seek to quickly grasp what lay ahead, but that time has not yet come.  Patience is still required.  We must allow events to ripen, and roots to take hold.  This will ensure that the tree has a solid foundation, as it grows, branching toward the heavens.

[Ktistêsia, 2019]

Telchinion through Daphneion 2018/2019

Telchinion (XII) Nov. 8 – Dec. 7, 2018

(Θ) Theta, (X) Khi, (P) Rho

For the month of Telchinion, the theme is one of the triumph of our careful planning over the winds of random change.  What we have sown from months past has at last reached the point where we can observe the road ahead, and make our course corrections.  However, these corrections must be made, for the many Gods have laid them out for us to see, and we ignore them at our peril.  Yet must we also take the time to observe before we act, in order that we will meet with the most favorable return.

Hyperboraios (XIII) Dec. 8 – Jan. 6, 2018/2019

(M) Mu, (A) Alpha, (Σ) Sigma

What we may perceive as a setback, may in fact be the time needed to adjust to the changes we have ourselves initiated.  Gradually, not immediately, and through our hard work, are how these beneficial changes will come to pass.  And when our lives begin to flow in the ways we desire, know that our success is related directly to both our confidence, and our ability to strive toward our best.

Perihelios (I) Jan. 7 – Feb. 4, 2019

(M) Mu, (Γ) Gamma, (Π) Pi

Perihelios  brings with it the very necessary potential for life changing hard work, which will in turn bring forth the ripened fruits of our labors.  If you have allowed yourself to coast this far, know that the smooth road ends here. There are no shortcuts, only the toil.  Struggle is the way of life, and after all is said and done, it is the struggle which makes us worthy of the crown.

Prostaterias (II) Feb. 5 – Mar. 6, 2019

(Σ) Sigma, (A) Alpha, (K) Kappa

During the month of Prostaterias, we must stand our ground.  We must not give in to the enemies around us, though they may swell like the sea.  It will be painful, but we must wrench strength from our bodies and souls, once again.  The only way out is through, and the only way through is to let them crash against us, unmoving and immovable.  We will be a wall, and they will be brittle and breaking.

Daphneion (III) Mar. 7 – Apr. 5, 2019

(R) Rho, (Π) Pi, (I) Iota

When we find ourselves making strides in our lives, let us not forget those we have left behind, or those who struggle to keep up.  To succeed, we must rely on the love and strength of those who have chosen to traverse these paths with us.  Let us truly be brethren, and let us never yield our power, or our commitment to the truth.  The work ahead will be long and arduous.  Hold fast; the reward is within reach.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2018]

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2018

Theoxenion (IV) – Mar. 18-Apr. 16, 2018

(Ρ) Rho, (Σ) Sigma, (Λ) Lambda

During the month of Theoxenion, we are warned not to take any drastic action, or make any abrupt or life-altering decisions, at this time.  Though we may be eager to make changes, and those changes may even be correct in the long run, we are cautioned to wait, to stop, to hold still until the eminent event passes.  In it’s wake, opportunities will be uncovered that we may well make use of to further our own goals.

Pytheion (V) – Apr. 17-May 15, 2018

(Β) Beta, (Ω) Omega, (Χ) Khi

For the month of Pytheion, the main theme of the oracle is hope and diligence.  It begins by telling us that we are not alone in our lives and endeavors, that indeed our Lord Apollon is present and affecting circumstances in our lives.  But of course, we know that He will help so far as we commit to helping ourselves, therefor we must remain diligent in our endeavors.  As the oracle reveals times of trouble are on the way, guided by diligence and aided by hope, we can thrive in the hard times to come.  And when these hard times pass, we will meet the just rewards for our labor.

Batrachion (VI) – May 16-Jun. 13, 2018

(Λ) Lambda, (O) Omicron, (Z) Zeta

In the month of Batrachion, we are warned of repercussions of our previous actions arriving, at last.  This is as it should be.  We must accept our past in order to cultivate a productive present, as well as a better future.  Once freed from the debt incurred by our pasts, we may find unique opportunities are ahead.

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 14-Jul. 13, 2018

(M) Mu, (Ψ) Psi, (Δ) Delta

For the month of Pyrophorion, we are reminded of the merits of hard work.  What we do in furtherance of our goals must be infused with our deepest, most profound enthusiasm, and so, we must also manifest this enthusiasm by way of the effort we put into our projects.  But to balance our hard work, we must also be cunning, knowing when to apply the most pressure, in order to coax forth the desired outcome.  The oracle also tells us that there is no getting out of the work, no matter which of the Theoi we might ask.

Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 14-Aug. 11, 2018

(Y) Upsilon, (E) Epsilon, (K) Kappa

The month of Karneion will bring with it the potential to enter into new and fruitful partnerships.  Those whom we connect with on a spiritual, emotional, or physical level during this time, are likely to help feed and nurture our authentic selves, and the work which we are set to accomplish.  That which these new partnerships produce will be well formed, indeed.  The rightness of this oracle may prove to deter us from its completion, though we should know that attempts to avoid what is set in motion may result in unfavorable experiences.

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 12-Sep. 9, 2018

(Δ) Delta, (Z) Zeta, (T) Tau

During the month of Agetoreios we are told to be mindful of our timing.  If we wish to alter our course, breaking away from long established traditions, customs, or friendships, it is suggested that we very carefully plan to avoid conflict.  Bitterness and resentment between former associates only poisons the air between them.  So, go with grace, but know that this parting is in many ways, unavoidable.

Lykeion (X) – Sep. 10-Oct. 9, 2018

(B) Beta, (H) Eta, (Ξ) Xi

For the intercalary month of Lykeion, we are reminded that when the time comes to move on, we should do just that.  Apollon will assist us in letting go of what we once expected, while the truth in our hearts is overseen by the Gods.  We must be honest with ourselves, as well as the Gods.  Situations that do not work are not worth our time, and trying too hard to salvage them will only harm us in the long run.

Aegletion (XI) – Oct. 10-Nov. 7, 2018

(Ξ) Xi, (Y) Upsilon, (Δ) Delta

In the month of Aegletion, we are reminded that low quality material is not likely to produce high quality results.  If it isn’t working, try something new.  That which we choose to turn toward is more likely to lead us to the ends we seek.  We need to recognize when it is best to exercise our will, choosing better for ourselves, and those we love.

[Ktistêsia, 2018]

Telchinion through Daphneion 2017/2018

Telchinion (XII) Oct. 20 – Nov. 18, 2017

(T) Tau, (Δ) Delta, (I) Iota

During the month of Telchinion, there is the warning of separation for one’s own betterment.  If you now socialize with, or otherwise associate with individuals who do not share your own ethic of hard work and accountability, then you are better off without them.  The Gods and circumstances will conspire to fulfill this promise, if you are unwilling to do it yourself.  Things that may hold you back from taking this action may be tradition or customs, cherished and long-standing in your circle, but you must go your own way.  Tradition is useless if you stagnate upon it’s corpse.  What comes next will be determined by your tenacity.

Hyperboraios (XIII) Nov. 19 – Dec. 18, 2017

(N) Nu, (Θ) Theta, (Π) Pi

The month of Hyperboraios portends a great blessing to be bestowed by the Gods.  It will make your life more difficult.  This is not an easy blessing to bear, but the Divine Ones walk beside you, guiding and showing the way.  You must remain focused, and stay upon the path They have laid out for you.  Any attempt to set aside Their gift will result only in loss, pain and hardship.  So struggle forward, and you will earn the righteous rewards for your efforts.

Perihelios (I) Dec. 19 – Jan. 17, 2017/2018

(K) Kappa, (M) Mu, (Δ) Delta

A great wave of motion will toss you within its twirling winds, during the month of Perihelios.  It will sweep you up, and affect all that you have done up to this point.  Do not fight change.  Change is the constant.  It will grind you down like a weathered stone if you try.  And yet, through this change, it is possible to forge ahead on your journey, resting in far off places you never would have known had the great wind not taken you.  Change is harrowing, but also a blessing in disguise.  Do your work, and the timing for ascent out of the maelstrom with reveal itself to you.  Strike then, with force, and be released.

Prostaterias (II) Jan. 18 – Feb. 15, 2018

(T) Tau, (A) Alpha, (Ψ) Psi

During the month of Prostaterias, you will be called upon to release someone (or something– this could easily pertain to a project you have worked on for many months or years– something so dear to you, it is as a child parted from its mother’s arms) into the harsh world, where they may face struggles and criticisms that you can not shield them from.  It must happen for the growth of the one you hold dear.  Letting them (or it) go now will result in the most favorable outcome.  To attempt to withhold them (or it) will likely be disastrous in the long term, though it may assuage your short term fears.  The Gods are watching, and have concurred in this oracle.

Daphneion (III) Feb. 16 – Mar. 17, 2018

(O) Omicron, (Φ) Phi, (Ξ) Xi

In the month of Daphneion, we receive a warning.  What we give to the Universe comes back to us.  Our actions have consequence.  When we receive the fruit of our labors, or our words, we must take full responsibility.  The Gods are not at fault for what we do and say, and the criticisms or troubles we reap.  If we wish to receive the good, we must first cultivate the good in ourselves, so we may send it forth to generate the profits we seek.  If we do not, or we do nothing, we can not expect a prize fruit from a tree untended.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2017]

Theoxenion through Aegletion, 2017

Theoxenion (IV) – Mar. 29-Apr. 26, 2017

(E) Epsilon, (Γ) Gamma, (Z) Zeta

In the month of Theoxenion, seeds which were sown in months past will come to bear fruit, and partnerships will coalesce into a cohesive and formidable whole.  Spiritually, this could mean joining with a new Deity, or delving into a previously unexplored relationship or mode of worship, or deepening a relationship with a Deity you already know, love or serve.  This new found cohesion will also come just in time for a great hardship, or test, which will shake loose the foundations of which we have become accustomed.  Don’t fight against it.  Do not be ridgid, or you will crumble into dust, like a pillar that believes it is strong, but in truth, is only as strong as the ground beneath it.

Pytheion (V) – Apr. 27-May 25, 2017

(Z) Zeta, (Ψ) Psi, (Ξ) Xi

In the month of Pytheion, the trial continues.  But here is where we make our stand, cutting from our lives all that will no longer serve a purpose, all that hinders our growth, all that is no longer the truth of our hearts, all that no longer resonates with our lives and goals as we have determined them, and all for which progress is stagnant.  Letting go will not be easy.  We will want to hold onto the familiar, but the outcome can only be delayed, not changed. These things are leaving.  This is fact.  The forces that shall bring about the change are already in motion.

Batrachion (VI) – May 26-Jun. 24, 2017

(I) Iota, (O) Omicron, (Π) Pi

In the month of Batrachion, our rewards will be directly proportional to our efforts.  While this is true at all other times, it is especially relevant to remember during this month.  Only that which you have cultivated will mature, physically and spiritually.  If you set a goal, work toward it a little at a time, be gradual with your efforts and this will help you to stay the course.  In Divine relationships, kharis is a reciprocal obligation.  You can not receive if you have not contributed.  For your efforts, you will receive the prize of personal satisfaction, in addition to what rewards the Gods see fit to bestow. Never cease your striving, and you will never know a time without gain.

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 25-Jul. 23, 2017

(Ω) Omega, (E) Epsilon, (Γ) Gamma

The month of Pyrophorion will bring discord to all manner of relationships, particularly, human relationships.  When cultivating good will with our loved ones, we should try not to grasp at unripened fruits.  Do not prod at a sensitive area or wound, lest your hand be bitten.  Do not demand action or answers before it/they are ready to be given.  However, for all our trying, sometimes the circumstances will not allow us the proper time to wait.  In these instances, know that there will be a price to pay for moving things along before their natural time, whether the movement itself was intended. The situation should even out as the month draws to a close, and you are made aware of a previously unseen bounty.

Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 24-Aug. 21, 2017

(I) Iota, (K) Kappa, (Z) Zeta

The month of Karneion has the potential to bring crisis into our lives.  The only way to see ourselves, and our families, through is to continue trudging forward.  The path will be laden with obstacles, but we must remain surefooted.  Keep working, and work hard.  Keep building, and build high.  For every tower that falls, a new one must be erected in its place.  You are the weathered river stone, smooth to the currents of hardship.  Don’t fight the river, though the river may insist on fighting you.

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 22-Sep. 20, 2017

(X) Khi, (A) Alpha, (Π) Pi

The month of Agetoreios brings with it a turn in fortune.  After several months of inexplicable hardship, at last, we begin to see the true rewards of our labors.  We will see our goals clearly, and obstacles that hindered us before will be swept aside, either by our hands or by Another.  These goals are mainly physical in nature, and they will be attained through the maintenance of kharis with our Gods, especially Apollon.  Although, in a spiritual sense, kharis itself may be the attainable goal.  Respect the Gods, respect yourself, and respect the path, even the troubles which came before, because they have tempered you into a fine metal, and soon, a golden mantle will be placed upon your shoulders.  Rejoice, yet understand that with it comes deeper responsibility.

Aegletion (XI) – Sep. 21-Oct. 19, 2017

(Γ) Gamma, (N) Nu, (M) Mu

In the month of Aegletion, an unexpected gift will yield both favorable and unfavorable surprises.  Like a double-edged blade or a tool with two purposes, it cuts the stalks for harvest, but also cuts the enemy in battle. And now is the time to fight, for yourself, for your desires, and for the Gods. They have set this path upon you, and you upon this path, for only you will bring it, and Their Will, to its completion.  You will have all that you need to fulfill this oracle when the time comes, for the Earth is rich and provides much, so never shirk your destiny.

[Ktistêsia, 2017]

Aegletion through Daphneion 2016/2017

Aegletion (XI) Oct. 2 – Oct. 30, 2016

(Μ) Mu, (Ο) Omicron, (Ζ) Zeta

Aegletion looks to be a difficult month, one which compels us to lay strong foundations to rest upon for the coming year.  All that we do has its purpose, and we will reap what we sow.  But, for the trials ahead, it may be best for us to stockpile our energies for the time when they will be most effective.  When we are in the midst of the turmoil is not the proper time to set our will against it.

Telchinion (XII) Oct. 31 – Nov. 29, 2016

(Ρ) Rho, (Θ) Theta, (Ξ) Xi

In Telchinion, we may wish to bide our time.  It is fruitless to try to force action, especially of others, at this time.  If they do not come around to your position, know that the Gods are with you and will support your endeavors. Do not become bogged down by the irreverence or bad attitudes of the people around you.  There is a time for everything, and when it comes, with the help of the Gods, you will be ready.

Hyperboraios (XIII) Nov. 30 – Dec. 29, 2016

(Λ) Lambda, (Ω) Omega, (Ε) Epsilon

In Hyperboraios, things may be more than what they seem.  There will be difficulties, but it is up to us to see what positive effects are brought about by change.  We will not want to see these things, for we will prefer to hold onto the status quo.  We may also only see the negative impact of change, instead of acknowledging the great benefit of unnecessary barriers crumbling to the ground.  We must not leap to ‘fix’ things too quickly, lest we undermine the reordering which is necessary.  We will not enjoy this time, and yet, what is right is right.

Perihelios (I) Dec. 30 – Jan. 28, 2016/2017

(Ζ) Zeta, (Ι) Iota, (Ο) Omicron

Perihelios has the potential to be a frustrating month, but if we remain steadfast, we may achieve our goals.  Keep a check on your temper, never stop working for what you want, and know that the fruits of your labors will be ripe and sweet when you remember to take the proper care.

Prostaterias (II) Jan. 29 – Feb. 26, 2017

(N) Nu, (Ω) Omega, (M) Mu

In Prostaterias, harsh truths will be spoken, but they are necessary. Uncomfortable words will gather on your tongue, and you will afflict loved ones and strangers alike.  Do not pretend, and do not cloud your meaning behind empty platitudes.  Truth is the gift of Apollon, meant to be spread amongst deserving ears.  This may make for a hard road in the immediate aftermath, but when the dust clears, the way forward will be unmistakable.

Daphneion (III) Feb. 27 – Mar. 28, 2017

(Z) Zeta, (Π) Pi, (Χ) Khi

Daphneion seems to be when the trials of the previous months come to a head in success.  At this time, we will ride the waves of fruition, being brought ashore by the tide.  Keep your head low, avoiding all controversy, surfacing only to complete your tasks and to claim hard-won rewards.  The end is propitious, and to be savored.

[Aegletia, Day 7, 2016]