Underwhelming Introductions?

“Icarus (with Apollo and Hermes)”, by Awanqi on DeviantArt.

Have you previously introduced yourself to Apollon, made offerings and bared your all to Him? Have you done these things and recieved little or no discernable response in return? If you have, and this has left you confused, or wondering what went wrong, read on for a little insight on what may be happening.

Like all the Theoi, Apollon appreciates when seekers make the first moves in regard to forming relationships. While it is possible that He could notice you based solely on your quiet admiration of Him, He is more likely to respond to a welcoming overture, or an invitation into your space, especially when coupled with gifts, and praise. But, busy as He is with the duties of maintaining a functioning Universe, these tried and true methods may only bring you so far into His periphery.

So, what then, when what you’re seeking is the potential formation of a close bond, but all you’re getting on His end is a brief check-in, or a simple acknowledgment, or even the answering of your prayers, but without a continued presence in your life?

Hearing, and often answering, prayers is a duty among the Gods, but They are not obligated to attach Themselves to worshippers in any permanent way. This is one reason why not everyone will experience a Divine Patronage– not everyone needs or wants a Patron Diety, and not every God wants to develop these kinds of relationships with everyone and anyone who asks.

Usually, the reciprocal nature of offering and favor will suffice. But what of us who do desire to forge close and lasting bonds with Deities; in this case, with Apollon? Are we doomed never to know the kinship and companionship that develops in such a relationship? Is there no way to express our interest that will be recieved as more than merely a quid pro quo– a gift, for a favor in return?

Yes, or course there is, and the first step in that direction is answering honestly whether you had considered making yourself known to Anyone other than Apollon. The Theoi don’t exist in a vacuum, and neither do Their interests in mortals.

To make an example that many readers will understand, think of your social media. When you get a new follow request from someone unknown to you, do you just approve said request without investigation, or do you first look to see who in your list of current acquaintances is already connected to the unknown request maker? Using Twitter to further illustrate this: how many of your mutuals are now following the request maker? The Gods like to know when we’ve built a rapport with another Deity. It helps Them to discern our intentions, and the seriousness of our requests to know Them.

Apollon, in particular, greatly appreciates when seekers pay honor to those Deities in His close company: Artemis, Leto, Zeus, Dionysos, Hermes, and Hestia to name a few. Polytheism requires that we acknowledge the interconnectedness of the Theoi, and that we play to the bonds that already exist between Them. When we do this, we may become more interesting to the Gods whose attention we seek.

So, the next time you sit in reverence to Apollon, set aside some time to properly honor Him, by honoring His Mother and Sister; His Father and Brothers; or the respected Keeper of His Hearth. The tightest bonds are formed as links in a chain. If you would enter Apollon’s sphere, you do so amid the links of His Divine Family, and so many Others.

— Columbine, 03/24/2023

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