Noumenia of Hyperboraios, 2023

**Oracular Forecast – Eleventh Year of the Treasury – Hyperboraios (XIII),

Hyperboraios (XIII) – Nov. 14 – Dec. 12, 2023

(O) Omicron, (M) Mu, (Γ) Gamma

In Hyperboraios, remember that what you put forth is what will return. All that you do and work toward, whether it be for a greater good, or for an aim bordering upon transgression, is known among the Immortal Gods, and They will arrive to set the balance. Let this be a warning against the chattering of idleness, and against more sinister ills. You are better to set your thoughts and actions toward neutrality, or nobility. Be the person that resides within– just and of good character. Be true to your inward desires, and let not the base judgments of intrusive onlookers dictate your actions, or reactions. This too, is necessary work. So long as you remain on the path that is true to your heart and soul, there are no obstacles that can deter you. And for your steadfast awareness, Gaea shall bestow a bountiful harvest.

**All Oracular Forecasts are divined twice a year, on Aegletia 7, and Ktistêsia.

Noumenia of Telchinion, 2023

**Oracular Forecast – Eleventh Year of the Treasury – Telchinion (XII),

Telchinion (XII) – Oct. 15 – Nov. 13, 2023

(M) Mu, (Z) Zeta, (E) Eta

In Telchinion, if you thought the way was easy, or that it was a time to wind down, thinking that the trials were behind you, now you must rethink that assessment. There is much work to be done, some of it tedious, but all of it necessary. This is the work that shapes you, as in individual, and helps to pave the way for the future of many, not only those in your direct care. Take your role seriously, and the seriousness of your actions will reveal what is known to the Gods. In doing this work, be not distracted by what is loud or combative. It is best to keep distance between yourself and a raging storm. Doing otherwise risks you being pulled into traumas that are not your own to process. Do what you know is correct, and the course before you shall remain clear. That which seeks only to destroy what it has not itself built, will be done in by the very forces it seeks to wield, in bad faith. Walk forward, and look only ahead toward the clearing that Helios’ rays have opened for you.

**All Oracular Forecasts are divined twice a year, on Aegletia 7, and Ktistêsia.

Noumenia of Aegletion, 2023

**Oracular Forecast – Eleventh Year of the Treasury – Aegletion (XI),

Aegletion (XI) – Sep. 16 – Oct. 14, 2023

(Γ) Gamma, (A) Alpha, (Δ) Delta

In Aegletion, you will know the glory of success. There will be no obstacle that may stand before you in challenge. All of your work, and careful attention, shall be made evident in the acknowledgment of your endeavors, firstly, by the Gods; and then by those for whom you have worked so tirelessly. And through your diligence, will the staid traditions of the oppressor, be broken, and laid to waste within the remnants of their own needless, and gratuitous institutions. Your actions shall be precise in their application, and devastating to the ones who wished to devastate your world.

**All Oracular Forecasts are divined twice a year, on Aegletia 7, and Ktistêsia.

Noumenia of Agetoreios, 2023

**Oracular Forecast – Eleventh Year of the Treasury – Agetoreios (IX),

Agetoreios (IX) – Aug. 17 – Sep. 15, 2023

(Ξ) Xi, (M) Mu, (P) Rho

Agetoreios will be a challenging month. In it, your will shall be tested, and your anger will be stoked. Yet must you remain calm during this difficult time. If we allow our anger to be manipulated, and used against us, to cast a shadow over our good judgment, all the works for which we have striven will be for naught. Know yourself, and your triggers. Be aware of your own shortcomings, so they are not made into weapons against you, or against your work. Remain steadfast in your adherence to the path you have chosen. Be not swayed against right action, or right thought. The work remains, and so shall you. Patience is the word of the day; will you let those who want for your failure, to dictate the terms of your triumph? Or will you be the one to outlast their wagging tongues, and prideful utterances?

**All Oracular Forecasts are divined twice a year, on Aegletia 7, and Ktistêsia.

Noumenia of Karneion, 2023

Well, this is only the second time since we began sharing the calendar publicly that it has been late. Our most profound apologies– and we welcome your forgiveness.

Please, be well, everyone.

**Oracular Forecast – Eleventh Year of the Treasury – Karneion (VIII),

Karneion (VIII) – Jul. 18 – Aug. 16, 2023

(Λ) Lambda, (Π) Pi, (T) Tau

In Karneion, a betrayal looms. One with whom you have shared trust and built a rapport, will indeed turn to sell your trust for a gain in reputation, or in wealth. You are warned– be aware, but do not reveal your knowledge of the upcoming split. New roads will open themselves, and if you are not careening in pain or despair, yours will be the first steps upon these paths. You are more than their thoughts of you; you are not so easily swayed by the fickle leanings of the adversary. You shall remain above clandestine maneuvering, and will be crowned by fulfillment of your goals, in time. So, be not saddened by the parting of ways, for it must come to be. Those for whom your love and trust mean nothing, are not permitted to be in your company. Take your leave of them, and be all the better for their trickery, and deceit.

**All Oracular Forecasts are divined twice a year, on Aegletia 7, and Ktistêsia.

Noumenia of Pyrophorion, 2023

**Oracular Forecast – Eleventh Year of the Treasury – Pyrophorion (VII),

Pyrophorion (VII) – Jun. 19 – Jul. 17, 2023

(Γ) Gamma, (M) Mu, (O) Omicron

For the month of Pyrophorion, Gaea assures us that with Her favor comes the fertile land upon which to plant our seeds, and to reap our ripened fruits. But there are no shortcuts on the path of growth. We all must tend our gardens with diligence. If there be weeds or pests, or a lack of light, we must pull and pluck, and rearrange our space. Growth will continue, whether we do these things or not, but the end results will be vastly diminished, should we choose to abdicate our responsibilities. The work we do reveals itself. What we prioritize is evident in the returns we gain in the end. If we truly desire what we say we do, there is only one choice to make. Achievement can only be attained through the work.

**All Oracular Forecasts are divined twice a year, on Aegletia 7, and Ktistêsia.