Evocation of Artemis, for Aegletia

“Birth of Diana and Apollo under the palm tree of the island of Délos”, by Alexandre-Denis Abel de Pujol.

Artemis of the Wilds, we invite You in, Mistress who ensures good health through the culling of the herds!

We invite You in to sit at our table, and to be served on this joyous occasion, that which we have prepared in feast for Your honor, and the honor of Apollon, Your Brother!

Come now, if You please, to sit in comfort and merriment, to lounge within His sway, and to bless us also with Your enduring grace, O Artemis who mirrors our Lord’s light in the darkness!

First, were You born beside the river, causing no pain to Your Mother, such is Your power; then did You, infant still, deliver Apollon, our Shining Lord, beneath the fronds of the palm, whose shade cooled dear Leto during Her ordeal!

Nine nights did She labor, and nine are the nights of the Aegletia! Nine nights did you remain by Her side, and for this and all Your other glories, we honor You, as You are!

Artemis, You are blessed, and we, made stronger by our love for You! Artemis, who is in eternal compliment to our Lord, may You receive our thanks as You recieve these libations, and partake of this meal, laid out before You in reverence!

Hail Artemis! Hail Mother Leto! Hail our most glorious Lord, Apollon!

Columbine, Aegletia, Day 3, 2020

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