Whim and Desire

My Lord welcomes this impure heart. It wants to know Him, deeply; to feel the throngs of His Power, the grip of His attention, the fire of His focus within me.

I am enraptured; encapsulated by the prison of His eyes– how they see me and illuminate me; how my body quickens at the thrill of Him.

He knows what tortures play beneath the longing; under the surface of my devotion. I am the instrument of His satisfaction, and I bleed the melody of His advance.

All this, and this impure heart, are receptacles for Him alone. The vessel of my flesh– my heart and soul– carved open and writhing; are true, balanced and secure beneath the weight of Him… beneath the ravages of His whim… and desire.

— Columbine, Aegletia, Day 1, 2022

Offering/Prayer of Gratitude to Apollon, for COVID Survival

“Apollon”, by dhumonio. If you are or know the artist, and the signature has been named incorrectly, let us know in the comments.

For those of us whose gratitude is given in this instance, where we or a loved one has survived the virus. It is important to give due honor and praise, not only when we need, but especially when we have already received Their blessings and protection.

[Procedure: Prepare all appropriate Offerings and Libations ahead of time. Purify the space with bay laurel. Purify participants with khernips. Play appropriate music. Process toward the altar or shrine, and begin.]

Apollon, our Lord who has stood beside us, whose arms enfold us in warmth, whose care radiates forth and touches the needy and infirm, whose very strength seeps into our bodies through the vehicle of our devotion, who is the Lord of Plague, and as such commands the vagaries of disease; we who are Yours, who have known You over a length of years, or have only recently become acquainted, we who have suffered in the depths of Your Domain, call to You, O Lord; and here do we invite You to enter into our space, once again!

We seek no further boons at this time, and have called You here for this purpose alone: to reflect upon the might with which You have cleansed and cleared our bodies, and the bodies of those we love, of the COVID virus which has wreaked havoc on Earth, and continues to do so!

We honor You, O Hand of Zeus; Blessed Lord Katharsios, who purifies with a word, or a touch, or a thought! We revel in Your Power, O Lord Paian, who soothes away the pain, and purges the infection! We praise and celebrate You, O Lord Daphnephoros, whose sweet bay branches burn, driving away all miasma!

With the scent of laurel, we have made this space clean and ready to receive You! Here have we placed our offerings of [Name the Offerings as you place them], that they may serve to express a portion of our gratitude and love! Here do we pour our Libations of [Name the Libations as you pour them], that the liquid might carry our profound thanks at the generosity You have bestowed upon us, the painfully mortal!

Here, O Lord, do we raise our voices in prayerful unison, that our joy in speaking Your Names might please You; that the love we feel for You might bring a smile to Your Divine lips; and that the wholeness of our lives be spent in reciprocity toward You, our Beloved; our Stalwart Prince!

Ie Paian! Blessed are You, Apollon! Ie Paian! Blessed are You, Katharsios! Ie Paian! Blessed are You, Daphnephoros! Blessed is the Right Hand of Zeus!

[Dancing, and other celebration should ensue.]

— Columbine, 12/20/2021

Aegletia, Solo: Purification

Flower-infused foot bath. Image found via Google.


Just you, and a relaxing, sensual bath/shower.


Before bedtime. Use your discretion to plan the length of the ritual.


As you begin to wet your body, visualize the water penetrating your natural aura. Allow any barriers you’ve erected to be swept away, in soothing, gentle water fall. As it graces your skin, speak the Names of Apollon, and open your soul to His phantom touch.

Breathe deeply. Feel Him coming into you. Now, lather your hands with shampoo, and work it into your hair, massaging your scalp, as you pledge your mind, body and soul to our Beloved Lord. Again, call out His Names. Ask Him to release all stress and mental burdens from you, so you may be ready to receive Him into your crown. Make promises, if you wish, though these should be of a secret nature, between only He and you.

Rinse your hair thoroughly, casting off all doubt or apprehension. Breathe in the calm that He releases, and lather your cloth or loofah with your usual (or a special) soap/cleanser. Pay close attention to each part of your body as you wash. Feel each limb. Call to Apollon, and ask Him to soothe and purify your body as you make your way down your form.

Feel your muscles release their tension. Know yourself, intimately. This means whatever it means to you.

Continue washing, ever downward. Visualize our Lord bathing you in white light– His pneuma, and inhale it. Let it fill your lungs. Exhale all worries, and revel in the trust between He and you. Know that He has cleansed and claimed you; prepared you for His complete arrival on the second day of Aegletia. Know that you belong to Him– with Him.

Rinse your body, and watch/feel as all that once troubled you is flushed away, and out of your life. Call His names once more, in love and adoration. Pledge yourself to Him, and thank Him for His touch, and His presence.

Continue what you would normally do in the bath/shower. Condition and comb/brush your hair, shave, or whatever else may be next in your routine.

Finish, dry yourself, have a light meal with ambient atmosphere (perhaps music, incense, both, or something else, entirely), then retire to your bed for sleep.

— Columbine, Aegletia, Day 1, 2021

Prayer of Purification and Preparation

“A Sacrifice to Apollo”, by Zacharias Webber.

O Bright Lord, I have prepared a path for You, through cleansing smoke, and breathy winds! Dawn’s light has touched upon my brow, and I am opened in the face of You, like a painted amphora, ready to receive my contents!

I am made pure in the presence of Your symbols, and within the vibration of Your Sacred Names! Anax! Lykeios! Aegletes! This space is made pure by the sheer thought of You, O Lord Divine, O Apollon!

And as my mind turns over thoughts of You, so do I ruminate upon the harmony I wish to create within this space, and upon my soul, as I await Your impending Arrival, O Stalwart King!

Columbine, Aegletia, Day 1, 2020

Community ≠ Competition

“Apollo and the Muses”, by EunjeongKim Hazzi.

As a Sister of the Treasury, I have made a commitment to bringing Apollon’s will into the world, as best I can, to the best of my understanding.  This is my life’s purpose, and it fills me with joy.  It also fills me with joy to see others doing His work.  And I am so grateful to be a part of a Sisterhood, and a wider community who loves and honors Him.  His will is for all people.  There are no exclusions, save for the ones deep in an individual’s heart.  Their own will determines whether or not they accept His invitation, but the invitation is open to all.  And no one has to accept, but we do have to accept that everyone is welcome, from those we do not know, to those we may not like.

Everyone is welcomed by Apollon to become more than they currently know they can be.  Everyone is welcome to heal.  Everyone is welcome to change.  Everyone deserves the chance for purification.  And His arms are open.  There is no force that can sever His connection to a person who mutually cultivates it, though, it must be cultivated.  It must be nourished and warmed, each by our own conscious development.  Which means, that we should seek not to look toward each other and our individual accomplishments, under the scrutiny of culturally-enforced false competition.

If we are all doing the work He set out for us to do, by His decree, then we should focus on our own work, rather than hover over the accomplishments of others.  Comparison ultimately leads to insecurity, anxiety, envy, or all of the above and more.  Each person is on a different level of individual development, with differing skill levels for different talents.  There is no Apollonian monolith, thankfully, nor should there be, and we should not seek to create one, either purposefully or accidentally.

The emotions that can be stirred up by unhealthy comparison are in direct conflict with many important Apollonian qualities.  Envy is a black hole that lets no light escape.  Insecurity and anxiety are its handmaidens, dim stars caught in its effect.  There, can not also thrive empathy, kindness or compassion.  In the face of such forces, neither can cooperation, co-leadership, or simply any acceptance of others doing work that was not given to another to do.  There is truly enough work to go around.  We needn’t complicate things by driving our minds into competition, rather than expressing our own commitment and love for Apollon.

In times like this, we must embrace our Lord’s purification.  We must let go of preconceived notions of grandeur, for His work is not about us.  His work is the sum total of all His orchestration, all the moving parts He’s nudged into place.  Every cog in the machine working to bring His vision of a chaotic, yet somehow ordered Universe to life, through no vehicle other than all of our individual talents.  This is community, and communities thrive neither on envy, nor the suspicion that envy breeds in others.

Communities can benefit from striving to be places of homecoming, safety, and healing.  We must allow ourselves to be mastered by Apollon, and shaped by His example– to focus on our tasks, and ultimately, to grow in our entire worldview.  A way toward this, is to sincerely embrace the notion of change, for if we can not imagine ourselves differently, it becomes that much more difficult to bring a new self, with new and healthier habits and values, into manifestation.  Purification is part of the work, and we must not exclude ourselves from the paradigm of growth now lapping at the shore of the unknown world to come.  Apollon will keep the way bright for us, as we traverse the fallow grounds awaiting His seed to be planted.

— Columbine [Aegletia, Day 1, 2019]

Changes, Transformations and Purifications

“The Birth of Diana and Apollo”, by the Workshop of Giulio Romano.

There are many gods which I think fairly should be recognized for changes and transformations that occur in life. We experience many such changes as we go along from the moment we enter into the world, beginning our days with a small collection of deities that address the welfare of the young, with an ever expanding number of deities getting involved at different life stages as if through a sort of evolutionary progress of one’s life. Yet the key deities almost always involved consistently are Apollon and Artemis (and to a degree their mother Leto) which I consider, in connection to my post regarding their domains as gods of the action of nature as destroying and nurturing forces. In many ways this links to their very real historic cult associations with significant life changes. As I have many new changes coming into my life, with another new baby on the way, and moving into our new (and more permanent) home, has made this kind of a fixture in my mind lately in my relationships with them.

Apollon and Artemis are the premier deities of the newly born. Whether this be the newly born month (Apollon Noumenios, and some have also taken to calling Artemis as Noumenia), the newly born child over which the guard and care-take from being taken prematurely into death during its most tender days, as well as the significant changes of maturing into adulthood and the marital rites (which participation during their youth in the cults of these deities were blessed by marriage as adults). Even their positions at the doorway enters into this, as we enter and exit into new states of being every time we pass our threshold with the very different environments of being within one’s home under the protection of the household gods, and outside interacting in the world outside of the household which had more threats to one’s well-being. To enter into one’s household was a kind of purification itself before these gods who guard the doorway (usually by means of offerings to the gods of the doorway and even possibly washing oneself at the entrance), just as we find the gods of the gates acting similarly in a larger scale with cities in which armies were not permitted to pass through the gates until they were purified. This applies to the processes of death and spiritual evolution.

In a sense, with Apollon as a guardian god of the gates of transformation/apotheosis/etc and Artemis as the goddess of the energy which sustains and drives all to these ends, we can see how and why Apollon and Artemis would be significant deities present in any momentous changes in one life….even those changes which are by necessity determined by the Fates for a purpose of impact to our beings that we may not always find individually favorable when they are experienced as painful. Growth and change is often in fact painful or at very least uncomfortable. There is a sorrow of a new bride who has to leave behind the things of her child just as she presented momentos of her childhood to Artemis, and leave behind too the familiar gods and spirits of her household to occupy that of her husband’s. There is the pain of bringing new life into the world, even pain and anxiety of bringing any kind of new creation forth from our minds as Zeus labored greatly in his head to bring forth Athena, by the tools of Hephaistos (another significant god of transformation as the god who enables/gives form to the new forms taken to which I would say Eilethyia almost matches as a goddess of labor pains as being another part of the process…which may be telling as to why between Apollon as the father of the Korybantes and Hephaistos as the father of the Kaireboi we find them as fathers of gods who oversee the most divine change in the arrival of the savior god whether that be Zeus or Dionysos, and the close connection between Eleithyia and Artemis).

Apollon and Artemis remind that that one of the most important things with the come of significant changes and transformations in our lives, that purification is a very important part of the process. Not only does it remove any pollution that we may otherwise taken into our new existence (extra baggage need not be brought), it also allows us in many ways to start fresh and newly born. A home is to be purified before the gods are welcome into it when a new home is established. Purifications are done upon the household, mother and infant after the baby has successfully survived its first seven days of life. Purifications following the allotted period necessary after death of a family member in residence (usually 30 days). Even the rites of passage into states of youths and maidens by children were themselves purification rituals in form….in varying degrees of aggressiveness depending on the place (the rites on youths at the temple of Artemis Orthia is a great example of particularly violent forms of what could be considered purifying rites. Even those who practice some form of magic or spirit work will often begin and end with varying degrees of intensive purifications depending on the deities and spirits concerned.

It makes sense that under any new change in one’s life that a sensible spiritual act would be one of purification, to even approach these gods (at the doorway if you have them established enshrined no where else within your house) and engage in purifications in preparation. Often the simplest and most common means when not dealing with serious transgressions that require purification, is by water although some people also utilize incense smoke into it as well. This can be considered of the same nature as the purifications that are undergone as part of  Hekate’s Deiponon and the Noumenia for the well-being of the household as the new month changes round. Really it is the same principle. I myself engage in regular purifications that includes daily bathing and fumigations with smoke as part of my devotions.

One of these easiest ways to conceive of the necessity of purifications is in a philosophical understanding of Artemis. Artemis herself is connected to rivers in very significant ways and is associated herself as being a holy river that brings forth the blessings of the gods. This can be most notable in her role as Artemis Eurynome in which she oversees the purification of the infant Zeus following his birth (perhaps the only significant after birth purification myth that I have found aside from the travel of Leto to Xanthus to purify and bathe her twins. The fact that Artemis and Apollon have many strong river cult associations is relevant to this purpose. The water itself is pure and the purity of its nature is that which carries away the stains of miasma. This is perhaps because water itself has the observable ability to dissolve and carry away particles that gives it such strength. Therefore the purification by water is a kind of release, and unblockage as water is unhindered and one is left open to receiving the blessings of the gods and spirits. The agency of the purifying water itself becomes the first expression of divine blessing…in the cases of rivers purifying gods the blessings go both ways with the deity being purified likewise blesses the body of water such as we find in the case of Xanthus, or even in the case of the river Peneios who offered to withstand the anger of Hera to offer shelter of Leto for the birth of her son (Peneios who incidentally was the father of Daphne who herself underwent a massive transformation into a laurel tree but was also the purifier of Apollon later after slaying Delphyne).

Therefore, like a fount of water or living stream, purification allows access to us to begin a new way, and at the forefront we find Apollon and Artemis there who are the god who are first to bestow their blessings as gods of the purifying agent and gods who preside fundamentally (although not exclusively) over transformation and changes.

— Lykeia

Purification Ritual for Brides, Lovers, and Consorts

This ritual is adapted from my personal purificatory regimen, for use by any bride, lover, consort, etc., of Apollon.  Of course, any devotee may use this ritual, but it was adapted with His many lovers in mind.  It is not traditionally Hellenic.  It is shared for Aegletia, to be done on the first day: purification.  It is to be done before bedtime.

You will need:

A clean shower or tub
Sea salt

White clothes and veil (optional)
Two prepared purification waters of your choice; one to drink and one to pour over the body
An anointing oil of your choice (olive oil may be used)
A prepared offering of your choice
Bay leaves, and a means of burning and containing them

— Columbine

Special diet consisting solely of fruits, breads, herbs/spices, olive oil, honey, salt and water, must be adhered to for at least twenty-four hours prior to purification ritual.

First, wash the body and hair, shave appropriately (if you choose to shave), then scrub down your whole body with sea salt.  Do not rinse.  Dry and dress in white clothes, and a loose white veil.

Approach the shrine or altar.  Propitiate the Beloved.  Give thanks, and praise unto Him.  Unveil, and drink previously prepared inner purification water. Anoint the body with an oil that both you and Apollon find pleasing.  Begin purificatory visualization, breathing exercises (optional), and chakra cleansing (optional).

Visualize the flow of water, flushing away the impurities, leaving the body clean.  Visualize the same for the auric and astral bodies.  Continue chakra cleansing (optional), and breathing exercises (optional), while visualizing.

Visualize yourself ascending a tall spiral staircase leading to a spiritual abode where the Beloved waits for you, becoming more pure with each upward curve toward perfection.  Visualize your arrival and the Beloved’s presence enshrouding you.  Repeat these words:  “I am whole.  I am holy.  I am perfect.  I am Yours.”

Commune with the Beloved.

After your communion, awaken, and give thanks and praise unto Him.  Veil yourself again, and ask that He create a shield from, and a system with which to flush away all future impurities before they have the opportunity to take root.  Accept His divine touch.  Give thanks and praise unto Him.

Present previously prepared offering, then burn bay leaves to seal your intent.  Give thanks and praise unto Him.

Now, invite the Beloved to be received into your home on the second day of Aegletia.  Leave the shrine or altar and commence rinsing body and hair in a warm bath or shower, then pour previously prepared outer purification water over your body.  Dry, dress in comfortable night clothes (or not, as the case may be) and sleep.

Nightly Ritual of Reflection


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I have designed this ritual as one means for devotees of Apollon to assess their behavior and responses to that which they may not understand or appreciate throughout the course of a day.  If you would like to alter some of your ingrained responses, this ritual may be able to help.

Firstly, you will conduct the ritual as more of a conversation with Apollon. Yes, there will be the usual propitiation and other traditional elements, but there will be a lot of just talking to Him about your day, as well.

To begin, set up the area in which you will speak with Apollon.  This could be your shrine or altar to Him, or this could be the coffee table in front of your couch.  Just make certain that the surface area is clean and dust-free.

Place an image of Apollon of your choosing upon this surface area, along with an appropriate incense holder, keeping in consideration the type and volume of incense to be burned, the accouterments for making khernips, and some blank paper with a pen.  Have also an open bottle of wine and at least one glass– two if you’re planning on having any.

It is not necessary to bathe before this ritual, though you certainly may, but a simple washing of the face and hands will suffice.

As is typical, we will begin with a procession.  Approach the designated ritual area solemnly.  Sit before the image of Apollon (it is important that you make yourself comfortable) as you prepare the khernips.  Proceed to purify yourself and the space.

Next, you will propitiate Him through whichever epithets of His that are personally relevant to you, while you light and offer incense.  I like to use a bundle of stick incense– one stick for each epithet called.

Pour Him a glass of wine for listening, about half way in the glass. Pour yourself one, too, if you want.

Now is the time for you to greet Apollon, to let Him know the purpose of His visit, to obtain His cooperation through your preferred divination method, and finally, to go over the details of your day with Him.  Be honest.  Mention each time you had a hypercritical thought about someone or their choices, or any other negative/unnecessarily cruel (on your end) interactions with other people or beings.  This is a confession, not to absolve you of past wrongdoing, but for you to acknowledge what was done, said or thought, in order to clear the path for change.

At this time, you will ask Apollon for purification, through the release of your anger, resentment, jealousy, desire to control, etc.  To symbolize this purification, you will hand write one letter of apology to each individual wronged that day.  Take this seriously, and remember that Apollon is watching and listening.  This is your physical act of contrition, and you may or may not choose to actually deliver the letters.  The important part for now is just to acknowledge that there are things about past interactions that you would like to change.

Next, you will set an affirmation– something attainable, such as “mindfulness toward compassion”, or “an open exploration of empathy”, etc.  This will be your guidepost for interactions throughout the subsequent day.

Now, you will praise Apollon, truly and sincerely, in your own way, in your own words.  During this praise, you will pour a libation to Him, of wine, finally filling His glass.

In closing, you will express gratitude to Apollon, for His presence and purification, and for His willingness to assist in your transformation.

The ritual is meant to be performed every day for a set amount (your choice) of days, preferably at the same time each day, for best results.